Yep I just worked that bit out too
The general rule with German is that if you get a great long word, it's probably lots of little words stuck together, so if you put logical looking individual parts into google translate, you will probably find their meaning. If you put in Torf it does say peat, put in kugel and it says ball, and that gives you a vague idea of what it's talking about.
I remember going to see Bridget Jones II in the cinema in Switzerland, it was English with subtitles, and at one point, Hugh Grant said "Why don't you tell me, in detail, about your school netball tour, particularly the unsavoury incident in the communal showers." I couldn't help but to laugh out loud when the translation at the bottom of the screen had "the unsavoury incident in the communal showers" all as one great long word which took up the entire bottom of the screen! No one else found it the slightest bit amusing