Author Topic: Feeding times?  (Read 4882 times)

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2008, 19:53:52 PM »
Yes, he is always wormed. I always make sure I give him the tablet when he is due.

I don't feed wet food at exact times but always make sure he has dry bisquits down 24-7 aswell as water.
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2008, 18:57:36 PM »
Do you worm him regular too as hes a good hunter, could be natural hunger or he could have a few friends over for dinner  :sick:

Offline tigerbaby

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2008, 23:03:19 PM »
Thanks for all your replies. Great read to log in and find!

I'm very pleased that Jameson seems to be eating at home now, he eats way more than he used to. Today he's gone through 2 pouches already plus half bowl of bisquits. Believe me that is way more than he used to. He seems to have lost a bit of weight too, due to him being outdoors pretty much all the time (even when it rains!), he adores it and guess he's burning off a lot of fat, and his appetite has increased a lot lately. The past few days he has been polishing off his plates which is something I never saw him do before.

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #22 on: July 12, 2008, 21:41:02 PM »
Mine get 4 small meals a day, breakfast (bozita carton or eaglepack between them) is from 5.30 depending how early i need to get up, lunch (2 pouches netween them) at 1 although they start asking at 12  :innocent: tea (2 pouches between them) between 5 & 6 and supper (2 pouches between them) goes by daylight but always by half nine. They get biscuits when i go to bed to separate them out in the required rooms. Milly gets peace from the naughty young ones overnight.

Milly is like Jaffa and pukes when theres too long a gap between meals  :tired:

They also get extras such as chicken, fish and raw meats.

Apart from boney Taz the others are all well covered, if i fed them the manufacturers guideline amounts the vet would shoot me  :scared:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #21 on: July 12, 2008, 11:18:59 AM »
Mine get wet food in the morning, weekdays between 7 and 7.30, and weekends whenever I get up, tea is at 5.45-6.00, except on a Wed. AT weekends, I try and stick to that time for tea, especially as they have already eaten later in the morning. There is always dry food down, as i only have one cat who's weight needs watching, the rest can all afford to put weight on.
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Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2008, 21:39:28 PM »
Mine get brekkie whenever I get up, and dinner whenever I get home from work - usually around 6ish.  I have a timer set for a little lunchtime snack and they get a little scoop of something just before bed too.  I can't leave biscuits down because Geoffrey will eat the whole lot in one go and will therefore be the size of a house (more than he is already!)  Milly is a fusspot so I seem to spend half my life picking up her bowl away from Geoffrey and putting it back down again for her to eat one mouthful then wander off again  :evillaugh:

Offline Kirst

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2008, 20:49:16 PM »
Feeding times are a bit of a problem for me atm. I have to feed the kittens and Beavis seperately and Beavis is a grazer and the kittens eat everything in sight.

If i leave Beavis food down they scoff it and he stands back and lets them , so I feed him last thing at night and first thing in the morning whilst they are still in their room! :tired:

They get fed four times a day , morning ., lunchtime tea and bedtme!

Offline Zenith (Liz)

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2008, 18:59:46 PM »
My babes have royal canin kitten food down all the time, and a bit of wet food every evening.

One of them keeps being sick which is upsetting but I cant catch who it is - they arent consistent!

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2008, 18:09:55 PM »
I have biscuits down 24/7 but through the night they usually get eaten by our 'visiting' cats who wait for a quiet hour in the very early morning and sneak in through the cat door for a nibble!  :naughty:

Ronnie has his biscuit ball which only he has worked out how to use so I don't worry about his food being eaten by our visiting felines.  :evillaugh:

Freya and Morgan have a stash of biscuits upstairs each night but try their best to wake me up at the crack of dawn for an early breakfast. It doesn't work as I'm a heavy sleeper but they've decided it's worth persevering!  :rofl:

To sum up then, always biscuits available for all cats and wet food, 2 or 3 sachets a day between them depending on how demanding they are!  :sneaky:


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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2008, 17:06:52 PM »
Max has a pouch of senior food in the morning, a pouch of renal food when I get home from work, and always has a bit of dry down as he can be quite picky, especially with the renal stuff, never know when he's going to eat it all or just pick at it  :innocent:

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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2008, 16:43:58 PM »
Theoretically they get fed at 8am, 4pm and 12am.  In reality, their tea is usually a bit later and their supper may be earlier if I want an early night.  Jaffa does best with regular feeding times.  When I was out of work I tried to stick to the 8am, 4pm 12am routine and Jaffa wasn't sick once. 

Jaffa gets wet food at each mealtime (a pouch or equivilent) and Mosi gets wet and dry together.

Offline Leanne

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2008, 16:15:58 PM »
Corporal Smokey I think our boys have timers inside them, they know exactly when they are going to be fed  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Offline Mark

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2008, 16:13:18 PM »
Mine get fed when they feel like it and will let me know if I had made the wrong choice. I have made a rod for my own back. For Alice & Clapton. it's not unusual to open 3 pouches before they will deign to eat  :tired:

Willow only has one pouch a day + dry - in this weather I open it in the evening to avoid flies  :sick:

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Offline Corporal Smokey

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2008, 16:01:53 PM »
Loving your dedication there Leanne, know who's the boss in your house  :rofl: !

Mine *expect* food at 5.30am too but they don't get it because I'm a badly trained human. They have RC or Hill's biscuits down all the time but only just enough so they never go stale and get topped up regularly.

Between 6 and 7ish they share a pouch. They really don't like too much wet food but I know it's good for them so I try to get one down them every day. They're getting used to it now.
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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #11 on: July 11, 2008, 15:52:44 PM »
Mine have dry food down at all times and then get wet food/ chicken/ lamb mince/ fish etc whenever I remember.
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Offline Leanne

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #10 on: July 11, 2008, 15:25:46 PM »
Jess gets half a pouch of urinary food
Milo gets half a pouch of Felix

Jess gets the other half of the pouch of urinary food
Milo gets the other half of the felix pouch
Milo has has 20g of biscuits to graze on during the day (left on the work top so Jess can't get them)

Jess gets a third of a pouch of urinary food
Milo gets half a pouch of felix

Jess gets another third of urinary food
Milo gets the last half a pouch of felix

Jess gets the final third of urinary food
Milo gets 20g of biscuits which he'll start to eat and then they will be put on the work top over night.

We have a complex feeding routine, mainly because we don't want either mog to eat each others food, Jess has medication in his, plus they have to be supervised when eating. Our behaviorist also suggested feeding little and often, and this is working well with us. Milo's biscuits are JWB.

And yes I'm feeding at 5:30am even at weekends  :Crazy:
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 15:28:36 PM by Leanne »

Offline Hannikat

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2008, 14:18:57 PM »
mine get fed half a pouch each and a bit of cat milk and dry biscuits during the day....I don't think they eat very much lol....early days though!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2008, 14:15:43 PM »
7am - wet food - equivalent of one pouch each -  either served by yours truly if I have to be up for work or an automatic feeder if I don't

7pm - wet food - equivalent of one pouch each - again served by me if I'm in or the feeder if I know I'm going to be out.

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2008, 14:15:02 PM »
Mine get a senior pouch between them in the morning whenever I roll out of bed, a normal pouch btween them around 4ish and another puch between them before I go to bed. I do leave biscuits down for them but they dont eat many. Mogs tends to tuck in whilst waiting for me to wash the dishes but I only fill the dishes every 2-3 days. The biscuits tend to be a mixture of senior, indoor, light, hairball or whatever is on offer this month  :evillaugh:

Offline Yvonne

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2008, 13:14:01 PM »
It is feeding on demand - if there is an empty bowl it gets replenished
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Offline Gillian Harvey

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2008, 13:03:33 PM »
I never stick to set times. They have wet food in the morning (whenever I get up which is variable  ;), wet food in the evening - might be early evening, migh be late evening depending if I've got evening cat-sitting feeding to do.  Last thing at night they have a handful of dry - no snacking in between times!  ;) All meals are eaten and plates polished off in about 5 seconds flat LOL!

Offline Den

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2008, 12:55:49 PM »
Memphis has his breakfast of half a pouch and handful of JWB whenever I get up. That really does vary, it can be anything up to midday  :-: Dinner of the other half of the pouch and another handful of JWB is served at 7:30pm.

I just fitted his breakfast/dinner into Molly's schedule.

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Offline blackcat

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2008, 12:31:49 PM »
Mine get a snack first thing, then a larger serve once the dog is outside for the day (working days), then another in the evening, with a third shortly before bedtime (to make sure it is all gone before I go upstairs). When I am at home they just get a spoonfull when they demand food. Plenty of fresh water and an occasional handful of dry as a special treat.

Offline Gwen

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Re: Feeding times?
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 12:28:21 PM »
Ours have a pouch or tin in the morning (pouch each btw) lol  pouch each in the afternoon and usually a tin between them at night just before bed and they have dry to nibble on if they are hungry inbetween and of course water is available 24 7
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Offline tigerbaby

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Feeding times?
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 12:13:06 PM »
What times are your kittys getting fed each day? Do you always have set times? And when do you feed dry/wet - always together or at different times in the day?

Reason for being curious is that it seems like the feeding times have changed over here, I give J dry bisquits in the morning (8am ish)  but noticed he wants wet food too at the same time, so he'll get half pouch with bisquits. Then around 6pm he gets a pouch of Hi Life Essentials. Recently I noticed he seem to want more food towards midnight, so I'll give him the second 1/2 of the pouch he got in the morning. There'll always be bisquits out for him to nibble on.

Luckily it now seems like he eats all of his meals here (rather than at the neighbours) which I'm pleased about, so maybe that is why I noticed he eats more food more often! Just trying to work it all out.
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