Sent a politely worded message regarding health of the queens and received this:
"Thank you for taking the time and trouble to email us. We do indeed care for our cats and Queens...all of which are deeply loved family pets too. Our Queens are only intact until they are 7, when they are retired, the Toms get neutured at three or four years old. None of our Queens breed more than once in a year. Every litter is checked by a vet at birth and at four weeks old. The Queens are given another check about a month after the kittens have left home. ALL our cats are regularly checked anyway, at least once a year irrespective of any other considerations. The kittens we provide are not only of excellent temperement, but they're astonishingly healthy, grow to be giant, strong boys and beautiful, lithe girls. We love what we do, and love our cats MORE than what we do. Every precaution is taken and, whilst we acknloadge the validity of what you say, we look on breading as a nautral part of a cats life that they would undertake with no interferance from ourselves. If EVERY cat was spayed, where would any new kittens come from? We understand that there is a problem with adult cats in rescue centres looking for homes, but every breader stopping selling kittens would not alieviate that problem. Someone who wants a kitten almost certaily does not want an adult cat. The ONLY way to stop cats being abandoned in adulthood is to stop the proctice of selling kittens to any fool who walk into a pet shop. We make absolutely sure the people taking our kittens understand the level of commitment they are taking on. We also try to make sure they're going to be nice, kind, good cat owners and absolutely would not sell to someone we felt uncomfortable with in any respect.
Hope this helps"