I agree with ela, but also with it not being black and white! You don't need to have a lot of money to own a pet but I think you do need to have the potential to raise money quickly (eg through an overdraft or loan, relatives, raiding the penny jar etc). Cats do get ill and they need to be taken to a vet if they are. On another forum I use I actually find it quite upsetting the number of people who post asking for help with their cat who's ill and end up saying "I cant' afford to take him to the vet". When I think of how much pain my Magpie was in before he died last year it would have been downright cruel to have waited even half an hour to take him to the vets. He needed to go immediately when I found him. Total cost of vet treatment approx £2000. Of course I could have just had him put to sleep immediately but even that would have cost me the emergency vet consultation fee of about £70. So I do worry that anyone who can't afford to have their pets neutered won't be able to pay for veterinary care when it's needed. A male neuter costs about the same as a consultation plus antibiotics etc. I think everyone needs to think about what they'd do if they had to take their cat to the vet today, tomorrow etc and how they'd fund it. If you're a regular at a vets and always pay your bills they may consider letting you pay in installments but the best time to ask about that is before you need it. It's all too easy to just hope that they won't get ill, but they do and it's rarely at the most convenient time for us (like right after payday). I think cats are wonderful companions for anyone elderly, ill or disabled and can give a real motivation for getting out of bed in the morning, but the cat's needs still need to be paramount. They deserve nothing less.
Of course I'm preaching to the choir on here as I don't think there's anyone here who doesn't put their cat's need first and wouldn't find the money if need be.