My cat (1 year old male) wees a LOT. He hardly ever drinks from his bowl, I reckon he gets his liquid intake mostly from his wet food, which he eats twice a day. However, when I am present when he is doing his business, it is quite surprising. It sounds like a free running water from a faucet, and it goes on for quite a long time, like when we finally get to relieve ourselves after having to hold it in for hours. I can't help but wonder where all that water is coming from. I use a super absorbent litter fill (tidycats) which is highly efficient, but sometimes it remains damp instead of making a nice dry clump because there is too much wee in one spot. I know obviously that not weeing enough is clearly a problem, but I have never heard of a problem the other way around. It does seem that he tends to relieve himself all at once instead of going often, and his behaviour and appearance is perfectly healthy. Is there any possibility of a problem? Has anyone experienced something like this with your kitties? I am quite puzzled!