I've just returned from a farm cat situation we are working to clear. A queen gave birth to a single kitten in an unheated caravan probably early this morning - certainly not more than 12 hours ago. No one has seen mum since and after 6 hours of distant monitoring, we took the decision this little one wasn't going to survive much longer and I've bought it home. We made a thorough search and no sign of any sibblings either.... And please don't say it was the trapping that made mum leave it because we suspected some of the cats may be pregnant, so I haven't trapped there for over a month.

We are gently heating the poor soul as it was stone cold and have managed to get a small amount of Cimicat into him/her. My welfare officer, whose done this before, is out for the day and I can't get hold of her... When should I expect the darling to pass it's first poo? Do I clean it's botty to stimulate it before or after eating? I've forgotten which.

The wee might has perked up a lot since we got it back, but obviously, this is a dire situation for it to be in.

Any help or advice greatly appreciated as I've never had them quite this small before.