Well we are pleased to say that our very first arrival since OH and myself switched to independent rescue arrived with us yesterday and so I would like to introduce Punchy!

We're not sold on the name and he doesn't answer to it so we will have to see if we can come up with something better for him. Reckon he's about 18mths old, un-neutered (surprise surprise!) but the most affectionate, friendly and loving little cat you could wish to meet.
He arrived in an old tv cardboard box and on lifting him out he just cuddled straight into my OH's shoulder.

it was just soooo heartbreaking to see. Here is a piccie of the wee fella who is heading into the vet in the morning for the snip and we hope to find him his new home very soon. I'm sure that anyone who meets him will be

with him as he is just stunning as well as having such a wonderful nature.