I'm beginning to feel I must have MUG written across my forehead.

Had a call approx ten days from the PDSA to say that a cat had been killed and had kittens, could I go and get them. So on the telephone I get to a lady whose cat it was, had four 4 week old kittens and had been letting mum out and she had got killed by a car.

I offered to take the kittens but NO she didn't want that, she was so sad at the loss of her cat that she wanted to keep all the kittens, but didn't know how to feed or wean them. So as not to scare her away, we drove 20 miles with my "catbag" full of essentials, gave her milk replacement, bottles, showed her how to feed, how to stimulate, what to do to start weaning and told her if she had ANY problems to phone me. Laid it on thick about how hard it can be to rear them etc, etc, but no she still wanted to do it.
I think that was on a Thursday. On the Saturday evening, whilst having dinner at my parents, she phones to say she can't cope, they are not feeding and can I take them and wean them for her BUT she still wants to keep them all.
Now I know what you are all going to say, I AM A MUG, but the kittens' best interests are in my mind so off I go and get said kittens. Luckily they weaned almost immediately. Said owner phoned EVERY DAY, sometimes twice to see how they were doing and seemed genuinely attached to the babes so this Saturday we took them back over. They kindly gave us a donation of £20.
Today I get a phone call from a chap who has just been to look at some kittens that were advertised in a shop window but they had all gone and did I have any. You can guess what I am going to say - SAME KITTENS.
I CANNOT BELIEVE IT. I phoned the chap back and asked if she was SELLING the kittens and he seemed quite embarrassed and said he thought she was just giving them away. THAT'S EVEN WORSE. I offered to take them and re-home them so in my eyes she has to have sold them otherwise what was the point of having them back. They're not even 7 weeks yet.

I feel angry, stupid, let down and absolutely distraught for the kittens - they were absolute stunners and gorgeous little characters but no yet ready to be split up and sent on their merry way.
It makes you want to stop helping people and it makes me very abrupt with the next few people who phone but if the same call came in I would probably do the same for the sake of the kittens.