Just came back from shopping and found Jameson at home with one eye closed. I lifted him up and my partner checked his eye - it was watery and a large 'tear' drop came out. My partner dabbed away the watery bit with a soft tissue but we couldn't see anything else. Jameson didn't mind us examining him and wiping his eye. We put him down and he was blinking but not properly opening his eye. I started playing with him just to see if he was his usual self, and within minutes he was rolling around on the floor chasing ping pong balls. The 'bad' eye appeared fine! (in that it was competely open after that and his vision seemed fine)
Nothing suggests that it is infected or that he is in pain, but then again I don't know anything about cats and eye problems.
Yesterday he destroyed a catnip sock, scattered it all over the floor and rolled himself in it - was thinking maybe he got some of it in his eye? And I guess him going outdoors a lot means he's bound to get some dirt in his eyes at times.
However if the eye seems to get worse I'll take him straight to the vet. I said I'll give it to tomorrow morning to see. Is it normal for cats to get runny/irritated eyes or is this usually a sign of an infection? He seems to be on top form, eating well etc.