If any of you generous lot want to donate to Coventry Cat Group it can be done via paypal to petsearch_coventry@yahoo.com
We are also looking at setting up an account via
www.charitychoice.co.uk, and I'm waiting on my treasurer to do that (as I don't have all our details). That site should give an option to donate with gift aid but I'm not sure how it works yet.
Another option is the old fashioned way. There is also the option to cut and paste a membership application form (£5 per year), though if you include your contact details via paypal and ask for membership we can do it that way (though paypal do charge for this service).
I can only thank all of you generous souls who have donated this year. It helps us continue to do our bit for the local cats. COVENTRY CAT GROUP
( Registered Charity No. 1065043 )
Post Code: ..............................................
Tel. No.: .................................................
Membership fee (to 31 March) = 5 - 00
(Senior Citizen / Unwaged = 2 - 50)
(Under 16 = 2 - 00)
Donation ( Thank you )
TOTAL: ..................................................
(Please make cheques payable to 'Coventry Cat Group Trust' )
Signature: ..................................
Date: ........................................
Please return to the Membership Secretary:
Mrs. Maggie Tarry
21 Yule Road
Coventry CV2 3DB
Please enclose SAE for return of Membership Card to help reduce our costs.