Author Topic: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already  (Read 1141 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2008, 23:38:50 PM »
I'm sure the boys will be just fine  :) Try to relax and enjoy your time away  :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2008, 18:38:09 PM »
Your OH wouldnt like it if someone told him to eat faster or he wouldnt get any more food and if someone canme and held a hand under his fork while he was eating , so he should understand Swampys feelings and do it the way Swampy is used to  ;D

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2008, 10:16:17 AM »
I think it's a time and patience thing, busy people. If Swampy takes 40 mins to eat off a spoon with me doing contortions then I can do that. OH did a trial run on Breakfast 1 this morning and insists that I am neurotic (ahem) but he won't do notes and does it 'his way' ie Swamp had better eat faster or will get less. He has to get to work in the mornings and is usually late anyhow!  but it's things like insisting on holding the plate under the spoon rather than his hand when Swamp's licking off the spoon....Swampy gets plate phobic and pulls away but won't if it's your hand.
I suppose it's only 4 days, but it would be easier if the carers would (ahem again) listen. I know from when I'm sick, OH is no Florence Nightingale  ;). He loves the Swamp dearly though so hope he'll sort it out.
However 'the cats' are my department so it's not easy. This weekend I have to do 'concise' notes  :Crazy:

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2008, 07:23:56 AM »
Aaaaw it's rotten feeling anxious isn't it?  If you are paying the cat sitter then they should do what you ask.  I would leave a detailed note of what is required and make sure your OH completely understands the importance of it.  Good luck and hope you have a nice break regardless.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2008, 21:17:42 PM »
Have to admit i would be worried too.

I never went away even over night when I had Kocka and she was like Swampy for the last few years and would only eat from my finger.

I wouldnt change anything more than you have to and you must drum into people who are klooking after your cats what they must and must not do

Hope everything goes well  :hug:

Offline swampmaxmum

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Going away for a few days: anxiety settling in already
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2008, 18:02:14 PM »
I've been talked into going away for a few days soon, to see my friends and my doctor in France. This means leaving my boys from early Monday morning until Thurs night. Their dad will be here in the evenings and early mornings and I'm getting someone to pop in twice a day, but as soon as I'd booked the ticket, the anxiety set in. Swampy's had a senior day today, not sure why, maybe his cold's playing up. But he gets 6 small meals a day, mostly fed off a spoon and who knows where in the flat (today behind the sprinkler looking shirt holder thing, so I had to lie flat on my stomach....the only time the words 'flat' and 'stomach' are used together!!). He moved around the bed to eat in 3 different positions, but I've got his usual quantity of nosh down him somehow. Thing is, not sure OH will persevere to that extent and no idea about the (nice) catsitter as presumably he just has a short time frame to visit and then on to the next job.

I last went away for 3 days in October when Swamp was still noshing off a plate and all was fine.  It's got harder though - I don't think it's the CRF, I think it's his cold and being a bit "senior". I'm not well and so home most of the day which they are used to. Max sleeps so much that although he's nervy, I'm less worried about him (I'll buy diffusers), plus he eats dry food which can be left down for when he's hungry.

They don't wear collars any more - the collar used to make Swampy cough more I thought, by pressing a little on that cough-reflex thing in his neck (excuse my woeful biology), plus could get snagged in something - but now I worry of course if they escape because someone breaks in (unlikely) or there's a fire (hope not!) sort of thing, they'll be gone and no-one will know whose they are. Do you think I should put their collars on and risk the snagging while I'm away?


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