Lily has just proved her snap collar does indeed snap off when she's trapped, or in this case when she makes an escape attempt. Most of you know she's in a buster collar at the moment and so can't go outside.
As it's a nice day, I thought I'd open some windows and patio doors to let some fresh air in, all of which are opened just a little bit so she can't fit through them in the collar. As soon as I open the patio doors a crack, she's racing there and sticking her nose as close as she can to the fresh air.
So I sit back down, smugly thinking I'm a good meowmy for ensuring she can't escape. I hear some skuffling and get up asking "What are you doing?" and she's off like a shot, buster collar and snap collar are on the floor and she's on the balcony rail eyeing up a potential jumping platform to freedom!
I manage to grab her and haul her back indoors, put the collar back on and giggle at her innocent face. I'm thinking she knows how to do this now, so will have to keep an eye on her. All windows and doors safely closed and one grumpy kitty pacing back and forth.