Author Topic: poor litter training linked to mental problems..  (Read 1483 times)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: poor litter training linked to mental problems..
« Reply #4 on: March 22, 2008, 22:32:32 PM »
Maybe you are keeping the tray too clean, and he can't associate it with the toilet - if you wipe some of his wee round the rim, it might help him associate it with the toilet.
Please spay your cat

Offline berties mum

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Re: poor litter training linked to mental problems..
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2008, 22:17:48 PM »
Hey Sarah, only just seen this thread and can offer a sort-of-similar experience.  Bertie was starved of oxygen at birth and had to be resuscitated, which luckily worked but left him with some minor brain damage.  He's almost completely normal except for a few quirks including great problems in litter training him when he was a kitten.  Despite trying various trays, litters and incentives, he spent the first year of his life going to the loo anywhere except in the tray - he'd go in the sink, the bath, the laundry basket, on my bed, under the bed, on the sofa - it was a real nightmare.  As he got older, I realised that his problem wasn't with the tray or the litter - he just seemed to "forget" where the tray was, and if I was at home with him when he needed the loo, I noticed he would cry and look confused, but if I actually put him onto the tray, he would use it no problem.

As he's got older, I've trained him so that when he needs the tray and starts crying and looking for somewhere to go to the loo, if I say "On the tray Bertie" in a certain tone of voice, he will find it and use it.  I still come home to find the occasional accident but these are always on the (washable) front doormat and nowhere else - so it has improved, but it's taken some work and a lot of understanding of Bertie and what he responds to.  I should add that we've never overcome the hurdle of him not covering his business once he's been on the tray - he'll leave it sitting on the litter and then go into a completely different room and scrape at the carpet!  :Crazy:

His other quirks include the fact that he knows his food is kept in a cupboard but can't remember which one, so he'll sometimes cry for food if I open the airing cupboard or wardrobe!  He also hates change and gets very upset if anything in the house moves, or if anything is new.  And he loves water and sits in the shower getting soaked!

He's mad, but I wouldn't change him  :Luv2:
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 22:18:24 PM by berties mum »

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: poor litter training linked to mental problems..
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2008, 02:15:38 AM »
Id get a few small litter trays and place them over the area he pee's in just to double check he aint in the habit of using that....maybe try a finer litter like sand or soil (to see if its the litter he dislikes) Im no expert but if his problems are linked to brain problems I think the water gun would just aid to confuse!  :Crazy:

Cant really add anything else Sarah.....all avenues are worth exploring though so good luck!  ;)

ps...apart from spraying him especially if water is enjoyed!  :hug:
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 02:16:39 AM by Bazsmum »

Offline Sarah (seldom_use)

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poor litter training linked to mental problems..
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2008, 18:38:42 PM »
harry was at the vet yesterday for his checkup..

some of you may remember when we first took him on he became very poorly and was taking some kind of attack/reaction/fit, every now and again for about 2/3 weeks.
the vets were absolutely clueless as to what it could have been as he hadn't ate/licked anything and the same symptoms kept reoccuring (foaming at the mouth/staring at the wall etc.)
anyways, they said at the time it could be a problem with his brain, but nothing has occured since and he is now almost 5 months old.

his litter training is still really bad, i've never known a cat to pick it up so slowly, he's still going on the carpet.
i'm no expert at litter training but we have been following different guides etc for getting him into the habit of using the tray, but he just won't do it until the last minute.. you place him in, and he jumps out straight away, only using it when he's just about to pee/poo. we take him after his meals and sit with him and his tray in the toilet now as it saves us chasing him around the house. this works, but he still doesn't understand to go in by himself when he needs it and we can be sitting for upto an hour waiting for him to go..

the areas where he would do it on the carpet we have used lemon juice to repel him, simple solution etc, he doesn't seem bothered by the lemon at all. i haven't tried using spirits, mainly because i don't like the idea and am scared incase harry would go lick it :tired:

anyways - after mentioning this to the vet yesterday, he has suggested that this may be linked with some brain problems and that he might just never pick it up.. the vet says this is very uncommen but it's a possibility and that he is concerned he is not properly litter trained at almost 5 months old :(

was wondering if anyone has any experience of this or any words of wisdom to offer? i really don't mind if this is how it's going to be, but if anyone could suggest anything else i could try or has been through a similar thing with a kitten picking it up slowly, please share :shy:

to add - he has his own litter tray (was a covered one but taken the hood off as i don't think he likes it.)
          - use wb cat litter.
          - have tried wood based and catsan also - doesn't seem to make a difference.
          - it is cleaned out regularly using water and washing up liquid.

the vet suggested using a water gun to spray him if he tries to go in the wrong place, he loves water though, he jumps in the shower with you :tired:

thanks in advance guys :)

sarah xxx


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