Hi Mark
Yes, that's why I got it too.
Edgar had a huge problem......... We had an emergency trip to the vet. New vet at the time. She told me about a lot of tricks to get cats to drink. This was one.
So I went and got the catit. The pet store fellows said it was best. And, yes, it is - or is supposed to stream over the globe. Mine rarely did. At best we got a few streams. Now, to be fair, I live in a place where we have hardest of hard waters. And I thought originally that the fault with the catit might be because of that. But ultimately tossed it.
Got the new one with reservations. But it has never had that problem nor failed to function. Wish I had this one first.
As for my babies - they are drinking more than ever before. Even Edgar. We'll start another thread sometime about dry versus wet food........