Thats awful, I was reading on their signing up sheet that they never PTS just because an animal doesn't find a home, but I do wonder if its true all the time. I am part way through my plan to become self employed and work from home and one day I would love to foster rescued cats and give them a better experience than they get in the shelters!
In fact at the moment I am in an odd position, A friend of mine saw my msn username about looking for cats to rehome and told me about his friends neighbour who has all kinds of animals, plus a 2 year old and 6 year old child. Apparently the neighbour took in one of the ladies cats after one of the children threw it down the stairs, this concerned me as he went on to say that she still has another cat which is now pregnant, firstly he asked if I would take the kittens and then if I would take the mum before she had them.
I would love to take her in, but I have never had a pregnant cat and I would be concerned about giving the right care and also that moving the mum before the birth would cause problems. I have been thinking about the situation a lot, but its a tough one because although I know the town she lives in, I have no further details and I can't contact the RSPCA to report anything as this information has come to me through 3 people! I hate the fact that people can get themselves into these stupid situations where they can't cope at all with all the children and pets that they have got just because they thought they were cute and didn't realise how much work/money they would be!