Hello all - I have just collected my two lovely fur babies who so far are settling in quite well. Both have eaten and whilst Oscar has not ventured out from under the kitchen table, Edgar is strolling about like he has always been here.
The only problem is they are a bit pongy to say the least - like really bad!!! The smell is quite hard to describe - a bit like the elephant pen at the zoo!! I am not exagarating as my friend that drove me to collect them has had to spray her car and it seems to come in waves if they are near you!
Their foster Mum said they came with the smell and it hasn't gone - and she had them for 4 months!!! They had a bath this morning at hers and it still seems to be there - and given that she has had them 4 months I am wondering whether it will ever go!!!
Any ideas - not really health related I know but best category I could think of!!
I am used to cats smelleing just gorgeous so this is all very strange lol!!