Raven the youngest Clan Cat member here with a tale of terrible parents!
Today they chased me around, scruffed me and put me in a cat box! They also chased Panther, and Lunar the ferals along with Max (quite a hunk), Merlin - l leaner version of Max, brady the white pawed tabby and Miss antisocial Floddy in to boxes and put us in somethingcalled a car and took us away from home!
They had decided that Panther and I could become full members of the Clan and this involved a visit to something called VET - I won't be doing that again I am putting my dainty 4 paws down!
So Mummy takes me in to this room with 2 strangers in it something called Vet and another thing called trainee vet nurse, Mummy gets me out of the box I tried the 4 paws on the cat box but she took the door off not a lot to put paws on for future reference!
They then decided to stab me with somethign called a booster, well after behaving as only a hissy feral can I did my first wall of death - it does scare children as you whip past them on to shelves, then Mummy scruffed me and puts me back on the table and vet comes at me with another needle ok I took this one and then the chip machine - not having that at all I tensed up and they couldn't get Chip thing in - 1 up for the cat!!!!
So then Mummy mentions I needmwormed, one Drontal and a wall of death later - really scared trainee and I left no marks when using him as a jump point to windowsill!!!!
So Mummy scruffs me, and uncerimoniosuly dumps me back in box and puts door back on.
I yowled all the way home with hunky Max and have decided I won't be doing that again.
However Mummy assures me I will get over it and will haveforgotten the next time it comes around and hopefully I will get my Chip as Sweetie the leader of the Clan Cats advises that all black cats need this to become fully paid up members of the Clan Cats!