Author Topic: Winston  (Read 2404 times)

Dark Moon

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Re: Winston
« Reply #6 on: February 08, 2008, 18:59:31 PM »
Yes, it is not only a better pic but my favourite. He is such a handsome little fellow. His eyes are a little crossed, and he has a 'strong' chin. And I adore him.

As for his meds - he was on depomedrol for 4 years. A shot (of varying strengths) every 4 weeks. Then we tried to stretch it out. Ultimately got him to every 6 weeks but that stopped working and we were back to every 4. And crashing. I know ALL about the side effects and was worried, but what can ya do? (amazingly, all his subsequent blood tests have proven 'normal'. We were lucky).

Then my vet left and I was forced to look elsewhere. I did. And thankfully so. I made an appt to see the new vet. Not with Winston. Just me. Essentially I interviewed the vet. Why is it most of us never do that? Or was it just me who hadn't before?  Anyway, I was impressed so brought him to her. She sat down on the floor and let him walk around. Just watched and talked to him and took the time to look and see and listen. I was even more impressed. But she was most discouraging. Said he looked like a 15 years old cat (he was 6) and I had to agree. Anyway, while reluctant to do so, given his physical condition, but knowing that we had no option, we removed those few teeth he had left (the previous vet had pulled all but the 4 canines. Why he left those I never knew (and they couldn't say when I asked at the time. It was bad because those 4 instantly became the source of more problems...) She gave him his last shot of depo to get him through this and it almost helped. But within 2 months he was not only bad, but worse. FAR worse. We tried the suggested antibiotics. He continued to crash. He went back in. She tried everything, then finally put him on fluids and then I went in to hold him one last time. She brought him to me. My baby. He could hardly even walk.

I brought him home. There wasn't anything more they could do for him there and he is better with me. Curtailed all drugs. He spent the night here under my chair and by noon the next day he was non-responsive, though still breathing. I cried and cried. But stayed in here (my study) with him. Then, at around five in the afternoon, he sneezed, twitched, got up, and asked to go outside.   ????    !!!!

Long story short, he began his recovery then and has been good since. It's been a long haul but he has now almost doubled in weight (not hard to do - there wasn't much left of him) - but, of course, he is also 'babied' (always was. Now it's ridiculous!). Gets only the best of foods and when he refuses those, gets others...... (this, of course, completely annoys the rest of the family!) He is on prednisolone now. Yes, also bad. But it has allowed him to recover and it is gentler than the depo he was on before. We started on 2x a day. Went to 1x a day then tried 1x every other day. That didn't work so we are back to 1x a day. For now but hope to step down.....

Foods don't seem to be a problem (i.e. allergies - cited by some as a contributing factor). It apparently is just what they all say it is - idiopathic and extremely difficult to treat. Good news is that he doesn't fight me (much) when I give him his drops now. (the vet went to the trouble of getting them 'tuna flavoured'. He is a fish cat. She said she could get whatever flavour he preferred.... Wish my doctor was as accommodating!    Having said which - tuna or no tuna, he still hates it!) And while we are obviously teetering on the brink  (one or, at most two missed doses and he has trouble again) we are doing well. He eats, continues to gain weight, is lively and happy and feisty (He has always had QUITE the sense of himself! He also has a wicked right hook he is forever landing on his brothers and sisters when they 'forget themselves' and come into what he considers his, and only his, territory. Sadly, that territory includes me.

So - I have given you a long answer to a short question.

But it demonstrates one thing completely. Even the vet has said that it was good that I brought him home as that's when he turned around. I know there are lots of times when they have to stay, but I also believe - and believe firmly - that home is the best place for them. It certainly was for him. And it is also important to read and understand the drugs. Turns out much of what happened to him could be traced back to the antibiotics. Had he been in better shape they might have helped. As it was, they almost killed him.

But the details don't matter. My heart of hearts is o.k. now and has been for the past 6 months. As I know you all know - you feel so helpless....  But, for now, this is a happy story!

Offline Bazsmum

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Re: Winston
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2008, 18:12:07 PM »
....and here's a better pic!  :Luv:

DM....when you type your reply for whatever thread...if you want to use a pic select the "browse" button to attach your pic on here*****instead of changing your avatar..... ;)

ps....dowload this is free and easy to resize your pics.....hope that helps!  ;)
« Last Edit: February 07, 2008, 18:14:59 PM by Bazsmum »

Offline dolcetta46

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Re: Winston
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2008, 15:49:22 PM »
Ohh, Winston is such a lucky boy, or should I say you are the lucky slave to have been chosen ;)  hope he will continue on with his recovery and you will sort out the photo issue so we can see more of him!!  (pm me if there is anything I can do to be of help re. photo!!)

Offline LesleyW

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Re: Winston
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2008, 15:11:13 PM »
What medicine is Winston on?
Even the smallest feline is a masterpiece (Leonardo da Vinci)

Dark Moon

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Re: Winston
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2008, 14:39:47 PM »
ok - it seems to have worked, though not the first photo I sent (Winston in Winter!). His story?

I was working at a job I loathed. But they knew of my love of cats. One day one of the fellows who had shunned me the most came running. There was a cat in the furnace, so he said. Well.... As it turned out the furnace was old and non-functional. But there was mighty screaming coming out of it. Long story shorter - had to rip off the metal siding and then reached in and hauled out............ a tiny, tiny wee boy (who knew someone so small could make such a sound!). Horrible shape. I left work with him instantly (I know my priorities!) and took him to the vet. Vet said he was, at most, 5-7 days old. That's how he came to me.

I hand reared him. He IS my baby. He is also the most possessive cat I have ever been owned by. I AM his. No question about it.  Trust me - he lets them all know. Sadly, and likely a consequence of his sad, sad beginnings, he has also suffered ill health most of his life. Stomatitis. Will not go into the details of our journey together. Will just let you know that, for the moment, we are doing well. He has to have his medicine each morning (and, when it gets really bad, twice daily) and that is a huge struggle, but it seems to be working - and without so many of the side effects of the previous treatment.

So that is the beginning of Winston's story. Only the beginning.

Dark Moon

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« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2008, 14:20:32 PM »
This may not work. Have only managed it once. But if it does, you all are in trouble. Because that (as avatar - don't yet know how to get it as a pic (sorry Tan!) ) is my Winston. And Winston is the most beloved of my heart. TONS of photos I have of him...... 


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