Just got back from the vets with Zephyr ... who has a cold and a bit of a chest infection. .... course of antibiotics and he will be fine.
Anyway I was sitting in the waiting room with two other people, one chap with a huge bull mastiff (who was as soppy as a soppy thing) and a nice lady with a Doberman (who was trying to hide under her chair!
) I had Zephyr in his basket on my knee and true to form he was the noisiest in the waiting room! Suddenly the door opened and this women and her daughter started to come in carrying a small box with some rodent in inside ... then all of a sudden she shrieks at the top of her voice "Oh my God I can't go in there"!!! Everyone in the waiting room look round at the poor chap with the bull mastiff as we all assumed it was because of him. This women then made a great shrieking scene about how she would "have to wait outside there was no was she was coming in with a ..... CAT in there" "I don't like CATS!"
As you can imagine there were alot of raised eyebrows and sniggers from us in the waiting room. I'm not sure what she thought Zephyr was going to do to her or her rodent but there was no way she was coming in
It's true what they say ... There's nowt so funy as folk!