Author Topic: Rameses is picking on Grwndi  (Read 2092 times)

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #10 on: January 13, 2008, 15:39:36 PM »
I used rescue remedy in their water when I was having some problems with dominant behaviour and bullying as well as Feliway.It definitely helped calm the situation.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2008, 14:38:41 PM »
He's probably just reaching those 'teenage' years  ;D  Mosi has been picking on Jaffa since he was about 4 months  ;D but Jaffa can handle himself and doesn't get stressed out about it.  Neutered or not, it won't stop Rameses wanting to dominate Grwndi and I'd guess his behaviour is a mixture of play and dominance.  Feliway should help Grwndi  :Luv: and you might need to keep them separate when you're not around if Grwndi is getting upset about it.  With Mosi, I sometimes intervene when he's being a pain (esp at bedtime) and put him in time out for a few minutes to calm down.     Usually after 5-10 mins of being separated, Mosi's forgetten what he was doing before time out!

Now might also be a good time to make sure you have plenty of litter trays, just in case Rameses pounces on Grwndi as he's coming out of the tray (Mosi went through a phase of doing that to Jaffa) or intimidates him in the tray.  Just so that he's got lots of options and doesn't resort to choosing his own place to wee  ;D

Offline Gwen

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2008, 22:21:19 PM »
well I have been known to resolve to desperate measures once or twice but not this time :rofl:

Rameses is sleeping in his room now,they sleep in a seperate room at night because then its my "time" with the older two,do you think I'm doing right in doing this?  Could rameses be jelous? :scared:
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2008, 22:18:57 PM »
Paddys too busy with the love of his life Miss Lexy to worry about my problems :(


Have just had my pouch though and he left me alone,I'm just going to next doors garden for a poo,but don't tell anyone ok? :shoosh:

for a moment I thought you were talking about you Gwen!

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2008, 22:14:55 PM »
Paddys too busy with the love of his life Miss Lexy to worry about my problems :(


Have just had my pouch though and he left me alone,I'm just going to next doors garden for a poo,but don't tell anyone ok? :shoosh:
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2008, 22:00:11 PM »
last flicker before the flame goes out!! and probably a bit to do with the changeable weather. Smidgen has been quite difficult to get along with lately  :Luv: If you are having wind at all, then that too makes them get a bit scatty. Or full moon - not sure what phase it is in tonight ...

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2008, 21:58:04 PM »
Can take up to a month for the hormones to dissapate. I hope all goes well, poor Grwndi, he needs Paddy there with his fightin talk  ;)

Offline Gwen

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2008, 21:53:44 PM »
He had the snip before christmas,would his hormones still bother him now?
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Offline blackcat

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Re: Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2008, 21:50:01 PM »
tell him he'll be for the chop if he keeps it up! :evillaugh: Seriously though, he may just be having a bit of a hormonal surge that is giving him the gumption to challenge his place in the family. You should certainly give Feliway a go, as it may settle him down a bit and will certainly make poor Grwndi feel a bit better at least ...

Offline Gwen

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Rameses is picking on Grwndi
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2008, 21:36:02 PM »
Since 3pm this afternoon,bare in mind this hasn't happened before,they have just basically ignored eachother,but suddenly rameses is going for grwndi in a big way.  he keeps pouncing on him and I mean pounce and dive,bites his ear,bites his tail,I am sure its mainly play but grwndi is so stressed out about it,what would you guys recomend?  Ging puts rameses in his place straight away,Grwndi is a bit more of an "innocent cat" if that makes any sense and won't give Rameses one back :scared:

Would feliway be the answer here?

oh and if I try and interfere Rameses goes to swipe me one >:( :shify:  but of course i ain't scared of a cat :scared: :evillaugh:
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