I have copied this from a post by Abby on the hovel ... it was posted on 5 Dec 2007:
Cats Protection have a phone line you can ring if you are on a low income or benefits and need to have your cat neutered/spayed.
The vouchers usually cover the whole cost, in some cases you may need to add a small amount.
The number is 08702 099 099
Please, please, Neuter and Spay your cats, not only to stop the huge numbers of unwanted, abandoned and abused kittens, but also for their own long term health. A neutered/spayed cat is at considerably less risk of getting cancer, being involved in fights, inappropriate behaviour (calling, spraying) etc.
Kittens should be neutered at 6 months, earlier if they are fast developers, check with your vet. It is not a kindness to your cat to let her have a litter before you have her spayed, a single litter can reduce her life expectancy by up to 4 years, and significantly increase her chances of cancer.
For more information and advice on spaying, please post your questions in the health and behaviour forum below.
Thank you for taking out time to read this.
PS: Thanks to Saffron for digging out the phone number.