Author Topic: My new repeater alarm clock!  (Read 1307 times)

Offline Catjane

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My new repeater alarm clock!
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2007, 10:54:20 AM »
For a long time now, either Meesha or Shanti will try to wake me, usually just before the alarm goes off, or at weekends, when they start feeling hungry.  They seem to take it roughly in turns, paddling on me and gently trying to open my eyes, bless em! As soon as I show signs of life, they wait patiently by my bed til I get up.   It having been the holidays, it's been weekend rota for the last week or so, but now, if I start nodding off again, Shanti chirrups at me from the floor, several times, and if I don't respond, she gets back on the bed and chirrups right in my ear and pulls at my eyes!   :rofl:  GET UP MUM!  She seems to know, however , if I'm just lying there contemplating getting up, rather than going back to sleep, and then she just waits.  :Luv:

I wouldn't mind, in fact I quite like it really, but since xmas day Shanti has been keeping me awake playing with her new catnip mousie, which is always accompanied by loud chirruppy meowls!  I'm going to have to hide mousie at night-times, I think!


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