Don't know if anyone remembers but earlier this year someone in front of me ran a cat over. It was still alive and I quickly knocked on a couple of doors but no one seemed to know anything and I was more concerned to get it to the vet. I rang the vet on the way to let them know I was coming and the vet nurse (who I didn't like and who has now left) said they wouldn't treat unless knew who owner was. I am not sure if this would be due to bills (which I would have paid if required, just wanted the poor thing to be ok) or about a consent (*)issue. As it was the poor little mite had passed away by the time I got to the vets, and was an unneutered un microchipped tom which had probably come off the farm near where it all happened.
Is there any advice/guidance/rules on treating injured animals in that situation? I'd like to think a vet wouldn't let them suffer, would it be they would make it comfortable and see if owner could be found/rescue to foot the bill?
(*) meaning here consent rather than payment issues - I used to work for a large well known dog rescue, we had to be careful about chipping dogs before their 7 days were up as apparently if we chipped them before 7 days and owner turned up we could be sued for criminal we were told