Finally, piccies of each of my three! Thanks to all in the general forum for helping me with my photo issues!
Here's my Sabby, he's the one who gets into scrapes, but is good as gold. He always has a ready jumping head bash to greet me! And likes to sleep on my knickers shelf in my wardrobe!
This little darling is Shanti - she is my bag lady, any bag, carrier, rucksack, handbag ... and chinese take out bag!! She can be a moody madam, but most of the time is a loving little thing - she usually sleeps curled up next to me on my bed
And last but not at all least, my little cutie Meesha, very bright and quizzical, she plays 'fetch' for real and tries to 'talk' to me
She looks after the other two, and me! Absolutely tiny in the summer, she becomes a little pudding in the winter, bless her!