My concern would be for them consuming it. I worry about things other than food being eaten
How do you get a cat to spit mouthwash?!
Good point - to be honest, I'm not sure how I'd apply it anyway, so it may be something of a moot point insofar as he may have objections of his own!
I was thinking of spraying the Chlorhexidine onto a clean rag, wrapping it round my finger, and just rubbing the affected gums so he wouldn't have it sprayed directly into his mouth?
So, assuming this stuff is not the best option, and that the gingivitis is preventing him making the most of the chicken wings, is there anything else I can use as a topical treatment for the gingivitis? It's only on his very back teeth, so I don't want to use a "toothbrush", as it would involve shoving it into the back of his mouth, which I doubt he'd be happy about!
I don't want to be too heavy-handed about it, so I'm not keen to go the vet-dental route, as it seems a bit overkill.