I might have to buy Barry a new da bird as the one i just got from purrs is obviously not the right colour as he is not a tad bit interested it!
I am extremely concerned to hear that Barry showing no interest. Erm .... how do I put this SR ..are you doing it right? I know the knee may be playing up and perhaps poor Barry's tail but give it another whirl.
Instructions on use of Da Bird (from a Tan thread)
It's not enough to dangle the toy while watching TV. You have to be the bird! You've probably seen your cat perched in the window watching real birds. Now, let the cat follow a pattern of flight around the room long enough to get completely involved in it: with rapt attention, tensing muscles, and a little twitch of the tail. Talk to the cat in a light praising tone.
At some point, swoop the toy close enough for the cat to make a grab. When he catches you, play dead, but keep gentle tension on the string. When the cat relaxes, you make your escape! Fly around a bit, then allow yourself to be caught again. This whole routine can be repeated, of course, ad infinitum, until the cat is finished. But watch out for the "second wind!" This routine should truly tire the cat out.