Author Topic: Semi-feral with eye problems  (Read 1578 times)

Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2009, 05:20:00 AM »
The chances of rehoming a feral-type cat with major health issues is virtually nil. Conclusion: either you take on the responsibility for this poor cat, leave him to his fate, or pts.

I would take him on. As to the prognosis and long term costs, only a trusted vet can tell you this. He will probably lose his eye if the biopsy is bad news, but that may be better than losing his life. Ask your vet if he could tell during the op whether the chances are that this is cancer, and if he thinks it is, to remove the eye there and then. This will save the trauma and expense of a second op.

Do you have a spare room you can keep him in during recovery, where he won't come into contact with your own cat? If so, keep him in it for a couple of weeks while he recovers from the op, during which time you could build him a small kennel-type affair in your garden.

When he's recovered, let him out, feed him in or near his "kennel" and allow him to live out the rest of his days as a garden cat.

Do you have a cat flap? If so, it may be best to keep it shut or get an electronic one so only your cat can come in. This will give your cat a safe bolt hole.

The initial costs of this will be high (by the way I think your vet is expensive) but your children would be upset if you took any other action. Have a chat with vet and hubby, see what they think.
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Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2009, 15:27:36 PM »
Be careful where you hand him to, some wont bother with expensive treatment on a cat that potentially they will struggle to home, if its taken you a couple of years to get his trust then certain places wont be interested  :(

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2009, 14:30:17 PM »
Tbh, I do think that our CP will help with a feral if they know people are looking after them, I don't know whether this would be arranged via the vet too but one of my neighbours had a particular feral sort of living in her house with her ex-feral cat and to cut a long story short it developed a bad leg.  Unfortunately there were complications but as far as I could make out help would have been given if need be.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Angiew

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Re: Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2009, 14:08:40 PM »
Is he down to be homed via the CP?
If we had a stray on our list to come in and it became ill, we would probably help out towards costs or up the priority - in fact, we have taken a couple of cats in this year due to similar circumstances. However, we can not help much if we are told of a 'stray' needing medical help immefdiately, in these cases we usually refer people to RSPCA.

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2009, 13:29:08 PM »
Hi Liz,

Not sure what to suggest really, I know, looking after a group of ferals myself that cost does tend to fall on your shoulders - fortunately we've been lucky so far regarding illness but food in itself is rather costly.  Plus you have the added problem with your cats which we don't have as although some cats we've had have shushed them out of the garden when they've seen them there hasn't been a problem.  Sorry I'm not much help as my experience is quite different - hopefully someone will have some suggestions  :hug:
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Offline lizfraser

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Semi-feral with eye problems
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2009, 09:58:35 AM »
For the last couple of years we have had a semi-feral coming in and terrorising my cats, have tried unsuccessfully to get him homed on a couple of occassions.  Cats protection helped out and we got him neutered, but he is still coming in and bullying my elderly cats.  Recently he's had a discharge from his eye and I've managed to catch him & get him to my own vet 4 times now (and suffered numerous bites & scratches in the process), trouble is now the infection has gone the vet thinks he may have a tumour in the eye and wants to sedate and biopsy.  I have been quoted £360ish which I really cannot afford for a cat that is not actually mine (already paid over £120 for vets appointments & medications).  Just wondered if people had any great ideas. and what the prognosis and longer term care costs would be (husband not best pleased I've racked up credit card for previous treatment).  Ideally would like to get him re-homed where he cannot make life a misery for my own cats.  He was actually starting to trust me and let me stroke him before all the recent vet visits and in a single cat household I think he would be friendly (he's good with my kids).  Don't know what to do. Ideas?


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