Author Topic: AOL article about a catnapper  (Read 1325 times)

Offline Beanie

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Re: AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 19:46:24 PM »
The local people must have an idea who is doing this and I'm all for a bit of instant street justice where cruelty to animals is concerned.

Many years ago a number of cats died a painful and excruciating death in a street that adjoins the road where I live. They had been poisoned. The road is very small - about 60 houses. Sadly, each cat had been allowed out at night.

The final straw, as the police were allegedly not interested, was when a man returned from work to find his wife and children distraught with grief as their cat returned home and died in agony before their eyes before any veterinary care could be given. From memory it was the second of their cats over a short period of time. Everybody in that road had the same idea as to the culprit, who was a self confessed cat hater and who didn't care about painful death or indeed the possibility of very young children picking up the poison themselves.

The man was said to have marched round the suspected person's house and threatened him in no uncertain terms with violence. The man, of course denied any involvement (NB Most of these people are complete cowards). The angry father told the guy that if another cat died in that road, he would be round to rearrange his features. More complaints of innocence and limp threats of reporting him to the police, etc.

Guess what, no other cats were poisoned and the bas**** later moved home.

I read somewhere that these cats have also disappeared in a small road. Hmm!
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Offline The Duchess

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Re: AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 19:15:41 PM »
That's ok - I read about this in The Mail not sure it's reported in the AOL article.

Just think it must be horrible not knowing who to trust as it must be someone who lives in that road or v nearby who knows the cats and their owners.  Find the whole idea of receiving anonymous letters v scary  :scared: - especially if you're elderly and/or living on your own.

Just makes me so very  :censored: >:( that people think they have a right to do whatever they want to cats as no one will stop them - hope they get their just desserts 

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 18:47:54 PM »
I didn't see the bit about the cat that needed regular medication. I would be devastated too, Duchess. I wasn't playing down the loss of the owners even slightly, but I was under the impression the cats were OK.

People have a very weird logic sometimes - I think what I meant was (before I knew about the cat needing regular medication) at least the cats weren't "disposed of" permanently by this oddball!Threatening is pretty different to going through with it - hopefully they never will.

It's a crazy reason to go all vigilante though!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline The Duchess

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Re: AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 18:29:14 PM »
Ummmm....not sure what to make of this. Pretty disgusting, but at least the cats aren't harmed!

Don't think that's entirely accurate - one lady was reported as saying she was sure her cat was dead as he needed regular medication  :'( also, the article says anonymous letters that have been sent say that if the cat is seen again, it will be destroyed and it doesn't take into account the effect on the owners.  If either of mine were taken I would be devastated. 

And I tend to think if someone (i.e. a nutter/vigilante) could do that, what else would they be prepared to do and not just to animals... >:(

Offline Ela

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Re: AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2007, 13:32:59 PM »
Ummmm....not sure what to make of this. Pretty disgusting, but at least the cats aren't harmed!

I am so please I keep mine indoors.
 I know in our town in one day 7 went missing from one street and 4 from another.

Offline JackSpratt

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AOL article about a catnapper
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2007, 13:29:50 PM »

Ummmm....not sure what to make of this. Pretty disgusting, but at least the cats aren't harmed!

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x


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