Cat burgled of course, and the only thing taken was a scabby old 'da mouse'

A few days ago I left the understairs cupboard (aka scrapyard/junk zone) door open, Riley went in there and after some rummaging around came out with a manky old da mouse. How on earth he found it in the mess of the cupboard I have no idea as you seriously can't even see the floor in there!
Anyway, it's so well used it's nothing more than a strip of metal with a few bristles. Due to his plastic eating antics I decided to take it off him at night when I wasn't there to keep an eye on him and put it in the top drawer of the bedside cabinet, which is again chock-a-block with
junk important stuff. I came home to find the drawer open and Da Mouse missing, he managed to open the drawer fully and get the mouse out from the back of the drawer without disturbing anything else! He then spent several hours walking round with it in his mouth, he even had the cheek to walk past Lu, drop it, and growl at him before picking it back up and sauntering off in disgust that Lu dare go near it!
So, Riley's official new title is 'Cat Burglar extraordinare'

I don't have pics of him in the act but here he is relaxing after a hard days burgling and chicken breast eating

Cuddling Lu

Biting Lu

Close up of the munching moment!

His manky old 'booty' (Lu's foot for scale!)

One of Lu for luck