Latest ickle trophies.

We've now got Spot's sister, Stripe, who is a being a little difficult and hissing at her brother. But she's still only 7 weeks so will come round in a few days.
We also got the remaining ginger girl. It must be unusual to get 3 ginger females in one litter?

I've now neutered around 80% of the adults, and most of the rest are feeding little ones or heavily pregnant, so we're leaving it for a few weeks.
Little Gremlin remains at the vets and still poorly. We're all praying for her as everyone is in love. Stumpy 2 is now on Catchat hoping for an understanding, and fairly well off home as he'll probably need the rest of that leg amputated as he grows up. We also sent a batch to Bredhurst last week.
Still have oodles of small black kittens due to be ready over the next week is peeps are interested?