Dave's Scullcap and Valerian Tablets turned up in the post this morning [I only ordered them online yesterday!] so he'll be starting them this evening
He's had a couple of [spraying] incidents while on the Serene-UM but I don't mind too much as I wasn't expecting an overnight miracle cure but I'm a bit happier now that he's got his herbals although the Serene-UM has calmed him down. He's coming up for fusses much more and he's scent marking with his cheek now, which I always congratulate him for
also, he was much calmer when I combed him this morning...he was still fidgety but not at all in a stressed sort of a way.
Oh, and the Scullcap and Valerian tabs are about half the size of the Serene-UM so the little guy should find them easier to swallow...he's such a little love, he finds them hard to swallow but never runs off or hides when it's his tablet time. What I've been doing is straight after he's had his tablet I give him a treat - this morning he heard the tablet blister pack open and actually came over himself
he's such a love