Right just looked online and found this about i/d so sounds like this could be the way forward. It's lovely mushy food as well
"Hills prescription diet feline i/d is for the nutritional management of cats with gastrointestinal disorders. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders affect both the stomach and intestines, creating painful symptoms that can have an impact on your cat's overall health. The most common symptoms associated with GI disorders are vomiting, regurgitation, flatulence, weakness, diarrhoea or constipation.
Hills prescription diet feline i/d is a highly digestible formula created specifically to help manage cats with GI disorders. There are several types of GI disorders that affect cats', including: colitis, constipation/diarrhoea, gastroenteritis and pancreatitis.
Hills prescription feline i/d indications:
• Gastrointestinal disorders: gastritis, enteritis, colitis, inflammatory bowel disease (i.e. most causes of diarrhoea).
• Recovery from gastrointestinal surgery.
• Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.
• Acute pancreatitis, without hyperlipidaemia.
• Recovery from minor surgical procedures and mildly debilitating conditions.
• Complete for kittens.
Hills prescription feline i/d not recommended for:
Cats with sodium retention.
Hills diet feline i/d additional information:
Provides complete balanced nutrition for growing kittens as well as adult cats.
Hills diet feline i/d key benefits:
Digestibility: High - Ensures availability of nutrients. Assists healing of the digestive tract.
Fat: Reduced - Limits vomiting by soothing gastric mucosa and encouraging stomach emptying.
Soluble fibre: Increased - Provides short chain fatty acids to nourish enterocytes and restore intestinal flora.
Electrolytes B-complex vitamins: Increased – Replaces increased losses due to vomiting and diarrhoea.
Superior antioxidant formula: Added - Reduces harmful free radicals associated with gastroenteritis. "