Misty is over 16yrs and I don't know whats the best food to feed Him on ?? I tried the boys with the senior food's
but they weren't very keen on it, I now Know it was more Hamish who didn't like it, cause I have since bought more
and Misty's eating it, "not alway's though" I also read somewhere it's not always best to feed them senior food's if
your Cat is overweight, I'm not saying that Misty is Overweight, but he is a full figure of a Cat and solid
I dont know his actual weight ??
when I was offshore, the wife gave Him Hamish's Renal food, and He loved it !!! Finishing off 2 sachet's a day
Now maybe I'm getting a wee bit paranoid, with what happened to Hamish, but would it be ok to feed him on this??
Or can anyone offer Me some good advice as to whats best for Misty??