Author Topic: Help - being mauled to death!  (Read 5988 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2006, 20:15:43 PM »
Hi Debbie

Sam is of course a stunner too and aren't you pleased the tabby bit is partly his ears so as not to worry about him being in the sun.  Freddie aka Mr Piddly Monster (when the mood takes him) is completely exhausting and as loveable as they come.

I'm sure like us you feel lucky to have Sam around and I really think a wiggly waggler would be a welcome toy for Christmas. A word of warning, Freddie was initially terrified of them, then bored with them and now besotted with them so patience is the key!

Offline Debbie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2006, 19:38:18 PM »
Thank you again for your replies, its nice to know I am not on my own with this. 

The past few days he has not been so bad, although I have been trying a few things suggested on the sites posted.

I am not sure of his age but the rescue said the previous owner said he was 5 months old but they thought he was older.  Oh and the previous owner also said he was a female?!  He was called Kitty.  Bless him, he must have been having an identity crises.  Just glad they noticed before his op...

Rosella I remember seeing a picture of your Freddie on Catchat, he is a stunner.  My Sam is tabby and white also, so they have a little bit in common.

No doubt I will be here posting again soon.

Offline Claire M

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2006, 19:24:12 PM »
My boy Felix sometimes likes to sink his teeth into me,for no apparent reason,but I think it's because of when he was a kitten,he was tormented by the 2 little boys of the family he was with and had started to bite and scratch in self defence,that's why he ended up at the cat rescue,but their loss my gain I say! He has his mad turns too,runs all around the house,then sits and stares at me,the tail going like a helicopter blade,then attacks!! I think it's just his personality.Don't really have any advice,just wanted you to know you are not alone!!  :Crazy: love,Claire and Felix x
Claire M x

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #14 on: December 06, 2006, 20:56:29 PM »
Hi again Debbie

Apart from the fact that Freddie not terribly keen to go out, Sam's behavior is pretty much the same as Freddie and Freddie is in a house with 2 other sane, quiet cats with access to outdoors.  10 weeks in and he is a crazy boy but he just loves his wiggly waggly so suggest you hunt for some on the cat auction. 

Sounds to me like the laser pointer thingy is doing the trick at the mo.  I am sooo pleased as I am pretending at the mo that I can't afford to up the bid on the cat auction one as I have one in my sights  :sneaky: for Freddie monster. 

I think Sam just needs to learn to play safely which is just a matter of time. He's only been with you 2 weeks and I still think it's early days with Freddie at 10 weeks.  In fact our little man Billy (I bow to you most beautiful of all creatures) is so completely different to when he arrived in May.

Dont want to cast nasturtiums but how sure are you of Sam's age?  I think maybe the older the cat the more ingrained the earlier behaviour especially around the 2 year mark for unneutered boys. Freddie was 5 and only just neutered so I think we have  a bit of a wait before he calms down.

Best of luck

Honestly things will look so different in just a fortnight. You'll see.

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #13 on: December 06, 2006, 18:04:31 PM »

Thank you for your replies in trying to help with Sam.  

It's just me that lives here with Sam, no young children although as previously stated, he lived with children before but no other cats and the rescue said he didnt seem that keen on other cats while he was there. I try to give him his own space but balance it with playtime and cuddles.  I mainly notice this behaviour in the evening, whether I have just finished playing with him or not, he seems to have a strange period of time darting about the place, scrabbling up my furniture with claws out, ears backwards and tail all kinked.  His eyes are wide too and he clamps onto anything that moves.  I cannot work out if he wants to play, is frustrated, excited or what.  Sometimes when he attacks me he has been purring and allowing me to stoke him, he is very affectionate and nudges his nose under my hand when he wants to be stroked.  He is never hungry when he reacts in this way as he eats at tea time and is always super affectionate at those times to get what he wants!

I just want to get it right at the start really and not sure if I am to leave him to calm down or I should be taking action i.e. when he scales up sofas put him down again or ignore him?

He is wanting to go out and the links to those sites people posted below said sometimes that is what calms some cats down as they have too much energy to ever tire if you played with them for hours.

I have just played with him with his laser pen and he is worn out.  I combined it with the occasional treat that I shone the light on and he seemed to enjoy this game.  My hands and feet remained scratch free too. Another favourite toy is a fluffy feather thing with a ball attached (he pulled it off the long stick the first day I got it) I never intentionally tease him but maybe these toys are not appropriate?

Any further advice is most welcome.

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #12 on: December 06, 2006, 08:58:39 AM »
He is happy and eating well, he plays with me and approaches people for a stroke.  The thing is, he turns into a Tasmanian Devil at times without prompting.  He attacks my legs with his claws out and bites them, or my hands if they are near, for no apparent reason

Sounds to me like nu mersous cats we have taken in, very ofter this happens when as a kitten people think they are playing with them yet in reality it is teesing, when a small kitten attacks it seems funny but as the cat grows it is not.

Offline Beanie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2006, 23:16:19 PM »
Aggressive Behavior is not easy to diagnose. Firstly, is it aggressive behavior and i think from what you have said the answer is NO

When you are unwell you go to a doctor and he can make medical diagnosis with tests but a large part of that process is to ask you questions. When did the pain occur? Was it dull or throbbing? Had you eaten a big meal, etc, etc. A psychiatrist would look more at history and behavior patterns in searching for cause of complaint. We can't do that with our animals as they can't speak, or at least. in language easily understood. It is important to study the cat and why he reacts the way he does.

You know how some cats like being stroked softly whilst others prefer a firmer touch. It largely but not solely depends on size of cat i.e small and fragile or robust and strong.

I would suggest that the reaction is possibly due to something that occurred before Sam came to you or since he arrived. It is why I asked the question down the page.

Is he a small cat and has he been roughly handled? I am not talking cruelty but I have friends who stroke one of our little guys too firmly and he responds aggressively. My friends are told firmly but politely not to do that.

Do you know if he was born in the wild, at a cattery or with people whose chose to let their cat have a litter? This could influence behavior in my opinion.

Is he an only cat? Was he an only cat at the cattery?

There are so many in ponderables and the past is often difficult to ascertain but what I would suggest is make a log of what is happening immediately before his rough and tumble:

Has he just eaten?
Is he hungry? If vocal has he asked for his food?
Has someone taken away his favourite toy albeit playing with him? Some cats see things as teasing.
When playing with him. do you let him win? i.e get the mouse or whateve.
Are his boisterous reactions at the same time of day? e,g morning or evening; after you &/or OH return from work.

You can then look for common denominators. It is more difficult to know about his previous life or whether he was teased or tormented by his former owners. Never assume that it couldn't happen because the previous owners were nice, etc..

I should stress that I am not a qualified animal behaviorist but have long found the subject fascinating and have tried to learn more about this side of things.

i hope some of this helps.
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Offline Debbie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2006, 20:41:39 PM »
The bit about the Birman's owner resorting to wearning Wellington Boots so her cat couldnt bite her ankles made me laugh.  I hope it doesnt get to that stage!

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #9 on: December 05, 2006, 20:07:32 PM »
He's still young bless him, so may just grow out of it.  Esp when he realises what a lovely new home he has.

Here's another article about aggression that might be of help (scroll down for the bit about aggression)

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 19:15:21 PM »
Thats so sad  :(

But the good news he's with  a new mum who clearly loves him  :Luv:

Offline Debbie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2006, 19:10:22 PM »
All I know is that he was living with a young lady and her daughter who lost their home so the rescue took him in.

Offline Beanie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2006, 22:54:03 PM »
Did the rescue tell you anything about his history in his short life? It is always feasible that they don't know but it may give some pointers
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Offline Debbie

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2006, 19:05:55 PM »
Thanks for the link, I have had a read and got a few ideas on how to handle it. 

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2006, 20:20:39 PM »
Sounds like he is just being boisterous but it might be worth reading wizz's advice on Agression:  there is also lots of really good advice on how to bond with your kitten.
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Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2006, 20:14:16 PM »
Oh dear.  Very early days and I'm sure it's just excitement with Sam.  

Freddie (with us 10 weeks now) does it all the time but we had his claws clipped back to stop him hurting other 2 cats and, now they are growing back, he keeps his claws in.  

Not sure what to suggest re the biting as Freddie had all his teeth out except 2 (for health reasons of course!) so he doesn't hurt when he tries to chew us.  Lots of people suggest toys on a stick which is great but I know how easy it is to be hugging the little chaps and they just seem to bite and scratch too quickly to get away.

I'm sure given time, he will calm down.  Well I'M hoping so!

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2006, 20:10:43 PM »
Hi Debbie and welcome to Purrs.   :welcome:

Sounds like Sam is just being a rambuctuous kitty  :evillaugh:.  Each cat has a personality of their own. To help why don't you clip his claws so that when he does cattack he won't hurt you.

I read on here that it can take a good month for a male cat to get over the wanderlust and male instincts after being neutered. Just give him some time he should calm down.

And I got a really good tip from Ela...rescue this case for you!  :rofl:

Offline Debbie

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Help - being mauled to death!
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2006, 20:02:49 PM »
I have a  :Crazy: kitty and need some advice.

I got my Sam from a rescue just 2 weeks ago, he is approx 1 yr old and was neutered a few days before I took him home.

He is happy and eating well, he plays with me and approaches people for a stroke.  The thing is, he turns into a Tasmanian Devil at times without prompting.  He attacks my legs with his claws out and bites them, or my hands if they are near, for no apparent reason.  Sometimes he does it whilst purring.  I dont get it.  He has drawn blood a good few times now and I have resorted to a spray of water which stops him and he calms down.  He has toys which he plays with with much gusto and he has a scratch post.  I have not let him outside yet as it is too soon although he is showing signs of wanting to investigate the great outdoors.  He does not appear to be doing it to get people away as if I move away he follows me into the next room wanting to be in my company.

I can live with this until it abates but my dilemma is when visitors, especially my niece and nephew visit are here, they are getting attacked too.  My little niece was standing on a chair last night to get out of his way whilst he was doing his whirling durbish through the room.

Will he grow out of it and is there anything else I can do to stop this habit?

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