MMMMmmmmmm *drool* I
Royal Canin sooo much. Ever since last year when female human lost her kitty, Hope, she decided that some of the horrific amount she was spending on the Renal diet should be kept aside to buy the best possible food for Josh.
He decided he wanted to eat Royal Canin's Mature 27 (nothing to do with the fact that he's a vain cat and it has a picute of him on the front, oh no!) and has done ever since. As he only has one pouch of wet food a day and the rest is dry, it turned out that my humans were actually spending considerably less on food when you think how far a 2kg bag goes.
I'm only two, so I get the Persian special (altohugh I quite like the taste of Josh's
And we both get to share the Exigent variety for a bit of a change and, I've said it before, it is THE best food ever!
If it's still looking like an expensive option, you could always mix a bag with cheaper stuff.
Oh and Royal Canin also do a lot to help rescue cats so I like them!