Dear, dear catlovers,
My name is Anne and i am living in the Netherlands.
In Holland we have a big problem.
This problem may also exist in the UK.
I want to try to change things en i have to found out of this only is a dutch problem or also in the Uk, Belgium, Germany and France.
What is going on:
You all know what Center Parcs is.
A Holiday center!
A so called State Of Happiness!
In this “State of Happiness lives many cats.
Many years ago Center Parcs needed the cats to catch mice and other “bad” animals.
So the toke some cats and let them walk through the holiday centers.
The were feed-ed and also castrate/sterilize.
But something did go wrong.
The cats became to many.
The say that guest leave there cats behind!
So what does Center Parcs do, they catch the cats en put them to sleep, kill them!
Kittens and grown up, yes, also the little ones!
They make a profit of 150 Mil. Euro pro year! (more then 104 Mil. Gbp)
Not one penny may go to the cats, they Are also not be feed-ed anymore!
I know a organisation that want to help the cats, they did a proposal, Center Parcs didn't even answer them!
I want to save a whole family, 4 kittens, mother and father.
Center Parcs say no!
So they don't want to save the cats!!!!!
They only want to kill them!
This is going on in the parcs called: Meerdal, Loohorst, Eemhof, Kempervennen, Zandvoort and Huttenheugte.
Probably also in the other two, Zélande and Heijderbos and in Belgium, France and Germany.
I'll find out!
So now i need your help.
Who can tell me how the situation is in the UK?
The parcs are called: Whinfell Forest, Sherwood Forest, Elveden Forest and Longleat Forest.
What are they doing with the cats?
Please let me know, maybe it can help to save the dutch cats.

Kindly regards,