Author Topic: Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten  (Read 2279 times)

Offline jasper

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Re: Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2007, 21:58:18 PM »
Thanks for all the advice and reassurance. Jasper is starting to eat his food again and is back on the top bunk of the spare bed - he had moved to the bottom bunk presumably to protect his terratory. I'll keep you updated as to what happens - and post a couple of pictures of them both as soon as I find the camera lead!

Thanks Again

Offline Sabrina (Auferstehen)

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Re: Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2007, 08:58:53 AM »
Same thing has happened with our Lirael, who used to sleep with me every night and be around me all the time.

Once our foster kittens were confident enough to be let out into the main house Lirael had new friends (or toys) and will not settle down at night as every time she hears a noise she's got to go and see what the kittens are up to.

They play alot and one of the kittens makes a huge fuss whenever Lirael is near him and as soon as she turns away he pounces on her ;)

I'm sure Jasper will get over the newness of the kitten and slowly return to being a sweetie.

Offline blackcat

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Re: Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2007, 06:37:08 AM »
they sound like they are getting along just fine. And your relationship with Jasper will change but not irretrievably. Whenever someone new enters the household the dynamics shift a little, so just be patient and all will be back to normal, if a little different, shortly.

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Re: Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2007, 22:15:22 PM »
Now I do not know the answer to this but going about your comments when the kitten is out of reach for while and Jasper wants gut feeling is that yes it will return to normal eventually but Jasper is just enjoying his new friend so much he wants to be with him and for now, sorry but humans are just second best.   :evillaugh:

What toys have you got for Jasper, how about da bird which is sold on Purrs only in this country and we find all cats love them although it is wise to restrict the time cos the inttial crazyiness does wear off and definately do not leave it out while you are not playing with it........sorry I mean you and cat playing   :rofl:

Stick da bird in the search on here and you should come up with picyures, videoes and general craziness and its great for inteactive play with a young may help  ;D

Offline jasper

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Advice about older cat behaviour with kitten
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2007, 21:11:40 PM »
Hi all,

I was hoping for some advice/reassurance. I have a beautiful ginger tabby who is about a year old. His name is Jasper and we have had him since February. He is a very intelligent cat and was very affectionate. He would sit on my lap for a long stroke in the morning before work and the same again when I got home. He would also wake us up at 5am by meowing for his food and to be let out (my husband used to leave for work at 5am and he would feed Jsaper before he left).

We recently took on a male kitten who is about 3 months old and hasn't been neutered yet. Introductions between the two seems to have gone well. There have been a lot of play fights - we assume they are play fights as it is very gentle and both cats are silent. There has been a couple of occasions where the kitten has cried out and we have separated them. The fights are always instigated by the kitten, who I assume is trying to test his position in the house. The pair of them have snuggled up on the sofa and had a knap together. All within the first week of meeting.

The problem is that Jasper's behaviour towards us has changed. He no longer jumps on me for a cuddle, he doesn't come in in the morning to wake us up for breakfast. He won't tollerate us touching or stroking him for very long, except at night time when I have approached him curled up and he has finally purred for a bit, only to be disturbed by the kitten! He also seems to be off his food - or at least developed a fussy streak and flavours that were OK yesterday, are not OK today. Also when I shut the kitten away to give us an opportunity for one 2 one time he waits outside the door for the kitten to be let out!

Will Jasper return to his old ways once he is fully comfortable with our new addition or is this change a permenant one? Any suggestions on how to win him round? I really do miss all the attention Jasper used to pay me!

Thanks in advance


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