This little lad is now back from the vets........he is such a sweetie
Whilst he was in there I asked for an FIV/FeLV test as I was a little concerned re the apparent weight loss. Anyway, he's had 2 tests, both positive for the FIV
I'm going to get another test done on him and get it sent off but I'm sussing out prices between the 2 vets at the moment.......I haven't got a clue how much the Glasgow test cost
One vets uses Iodec, not sure who they are but they charge £58.60
The FIV/FeLV one I've just had done cost £30......should have been £60 as they did 2 but I didn't ask for the second so didn't pay it. His health isn't too bril, his skin is quite pale, he's scrawny on the top but does have a belly on him and his glucose levels were raised. He'll be going to Sean's vets for a blood profile and he have to be tested for Diabetes as well. He is approx 10 years old and once I know for definite his FIV status, he'll be up for rehoming. He has now been neutered, microchipped and he's had his first lot of jabs. I'll take some piccies over the next couple of days