Poor little lad's looking so sorry for himself. He does have his tail in the air though, esp when you approach him so at least he's happy to be home
Jaffa wandered into the living room and gave mosi's paw a little sniff and then walked away. No hissing. And now Mosi's come into the bedroom and Jaffa's ignoring him so that's good. Last time there were lots of hisses but I think that had a lot to do with Mosi approaching Jaffa and being a tease. Little lad's not up to that at the moment.
I think he's a bit sore and having trouble settling. He was lying on his side and looked like he was having trouble getting up. I tried to help him and the poor lad gave a yelp of pain so I think I'll refrain from 'helping'!
They love him at the vets. Said he was a very good patient and very friendly. The vet asked me how much somali cats cost cos she wouldn't mind having one as Mosi is so friendly.