Fingers and paws crossed as they've had a can today each of i/d. Not the dodgy batch. I'd still like to send that off for testing, but no idea where.
The fish thing is if a cat eats exclusively or mostly fish. They need the B1 they would get from meat. I presume he means any kind of fish as long as it's just fish (?).
Rimadyl is very dangerous in dogs and he mentioned that it's a big problem in dogs, but he swears blind that it's ok in cats in injectable form and that he gave Max a low dose. He said there isn't another injectable anti inflammatory - you use that or cortisone apparently. I forgot to ask how soon i could use any arthritis meds.
My friend whose burmese has arthritis uses a collar with a magnetic device on it which she says really helps him. I may try that. Anyone else know about that?
Yup, he said Max's creatinine must be part of Max's make-up as he's had raised creatinine for a few years now. Swamp's on the other hand is progressively going up and cos I don't want to use Fortekor (it made him uninterested in everything and he just slept) unless I have to, he suggests that I try to use renal food where possible. I would give 1/2 i/d and 1/2 r.c. renal (K/d is a sure fire way to get irritable bowel for them both). I just hope and pray I can trust the i/d. The current batch I have of the big cans is much appreciated
Hope the next batch is the same (hardly ever is
to their QC). Thanks for the info on his readings being top range of normal. Vet says he has early CRF and with Max it's hard to tell so he wants more urine samples. Now if I can just get Max to pee some time not in the middle of the night......
when I can't get a sample!
thanks for the support again, so appreciated.