He's a handsome chap.
Although he's obviously well cared for I bet 'as good as he looks' you wouldn't mind adding him to the gang?
My dad is forever getting cats wander into his garden be it feral or other people's. My dad is a real cat magnet.
I'm not allowed neighbour cats in the house Missy says so
Ebony went through about 30 collars before we gave up putting them on her she was microchipped though.
Missy used to have a thingy tag that unscrews and was always losing the 2nd bit, obviously cats are so much more clever
than we are she probably got down the road and though daft people I don't want loads of cats or humans round we'll just
unscrew the tag and get the paper out and eat it - cause she's a natural shredder lol
Merlin well he has a collar but no proper tag YET
Do you get many cats wander into your house?