Author Topic: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)  (Read 7606 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #24 on: November 30, 2006, 07:24:13 AM »
Hi Nick - yes, I think you could say he's showing definite improvement.  For example, last night he came out with me on the field when I took Tess out.  He lay in wait for our return, hunkering down in the long grass and stalking us like a serengetti lion, before making his pounce upon an unsuspecting Tess - wallop, wallop - and he was away, leaving  a bemused dog peering into the darkness after his swiftly retreating tail!

Or as I left for work this morning, he streaked out past my O/H and shot up our neighbour's cherry tree, doing "savage cat" impressions and sharpening his claws on the trunk in a frenzy of activity!

This seems to be the nature of his illness though.  He'll be fine for a few days, and when he's feeling well, he's like a kitten - playful and mischievous and gorgeous.  But when he's not so good, or the vomiting gets worse, he finds a quiet place to stay and waits for it to pass.  His favourite place is in the garden, but since the weather turned a bit more wintery, he sits next to the patio doors looking out.  He's loved having a garden since we moved to this house.  I didn't think I'd ever get so much pleasure from seeing a cat "enjoy" a garden, but he does.  He watches everything that goes on, he sniffs the plants and flowers, he watches the frogs in and out of the pond - and when it's wet and the snails come out he finds it fascinating - each one's investigated in turn.  MInd, he gets a bit annoyed in the spring when he sits in his shrubbery and the birds on the bird table spit sunflower seeds at him.  It's so uncouth!

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #23 on: November 29, 2006, 19:23:59 PM »
how's Paddy today Sue? hope he is still showing signs of improvement. :)

Offline Claire M

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #22 on: November 29, 2006, 14:10:56 PM »
My thoughts are with you and Paddy, sending millions of healing thoughts your way, hope he picks up soon,hugs,Claire and Felix x  :Luv:
Claire M x

Offline Ela

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #21 on: November 29, 2006, 09:34:04 AM »
  I think quality is better than quantity though.

Absolutely, unfortunately some people just do not know when it is the 'time to let go' or more usually don't want too. I expect many of  us have at sometime in the past been guilty of this.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2006, 09:34:42 AM by Ela »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #20 on: November 29, 2006, 07:43:04 AM »
It's always a tough one to call.  When our last dog had to be PTS, I was sure it was the right thing to do.   She was 16, she was deaf and having trouble with her legs, but the main problem was that she had two massive tumours and a third developing which were giving her real difficulty.  BUT - my lasting memory of that time was that she struggled and resisted, and it left me in pieces afterwards, wondering what the hell I'd done.

I firmly agree quality outweighs quantity. 

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #19 on: November 29, 2006, 07:34:06 AM »
I am glad that he is looking well in himself, that is a good sign. I have had to stop treatment for cats in teh past, but you just have to be aware that by doing so, you could be shortening their life. I think quality is better than quantity though. good luck with him.
Please spay your cat

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2006, 07:15:01 AM »
Thanks Ela, that's good to know too.   Paddy has had Reiki from me before, and enjoys it, so distant healing may well be an option I can try too.

In fairness to our vet, he did say it isn't worth stressing a cat out, as stress can be as big a killer as disease. Hence how we ultimately were able to have his tests and follow up tests done without the sedative he initially was inclined to give, as Paddy was - true to my word -  gentlemanly and co-operative.

Should also say that the vet said he's looking so much better in himself than when he had the stroke - his coat is glossy and sleek, and he's bright enough except for the vomiting.  He kept all of that food down last night.  He was stringing me along this morning - wouldn't eat his favourite - crab.  Was looking at me all wistful as he sat watching me put out his breakfast.  He sniffed it, looked at me in disbelief as if to say "What? - I'm not eating that muck!" and stalked out.  However, half an hour later when he saw me putting on my coat for work, I could hear him go back into the kitchen and start eating!  As I left, I could see him sitting on the windowsill having a wash and brush up.


Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2006, 06:59:48 AM »
Ha - Nick, it was £65!  Very miffed!!

Offline Ela

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2006, 05:15:38 AM »
Anyone wants to send him healing thoughts, please feel free...........

When my Tango was very ill and started to vomit a little blood daily it had gone on for a time and the vet couldn't really do any more. One day she was particularly bad and I thought it was a time to let go, I was actually on the phone to  make an appointment for the final act of kindness and somehow the phone cut out. I went onto the internet and looked for healing sites, I posted on one, and within hours Tango was a different cat and did not pass blood again and  had a few months of quality life.  I posted on, then Healing services, then Request a Healing for your Pet then Pet Healing Request Form



Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2006, 23:07:01 PM »
I sometimes think the same thing Sue . I believe the Vets are sometimes tempted to prescribe drugs because not only do they make half the practice's profits but they also look like they are doing something positive. ie the placebo effect.
If the vet said just go home and feed him fish and chicken and keep in in let him rest and charged you £45 consultation fee I think we would be a bit miffed lol

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2006, 21:13:23 PM »
Yeah, it's set me wondering too Nick.  Think I might just give him a break for a few days, and fee him on some boiled fish, chicken - whatever he likes really.

I dislike the thought that in trying to make him better I'm unwittingly exacerbating the problem.  Don't want to make him worse

Strikes me if the cure is as bad as the illness then there's not a great deal to choose between them.

Offline Nick (Peanut & Boo)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2006, 20:28:58 PM »
I wonder if it isn't the drugs that are actually making him feel ill and nausous .

I was diagnosed with  Hypothyroidism last year.I was given some 5mg tabs and after taking the first one 15 minutes later I felt really sick and giddy. I felt extremly anxious and like I wasn't myself at all.It was an awful experience  I never took another .

Perhaps a few days rest from the pills might give him his appetite back.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2006, 19:33:22 PM »
Thanks Christine.  That's great - thanks for the offer.  I might take you up on it depending how things go.  Kym's experiences are really interesting.  Reading her posts was really helpful.

I've been doing some research on homeopathic remedies today and have found a few which can help with vomiting, although Paddy has wolfed down two lots of food since I got in from work tonight - he's now lying stretched out on the sofa with a very smug and contented look on his face!  At least he's kept it down this time.  The weekend was a bit of a trial - everything he ate he brought up again almost immediately, then he wouldn't eat at all.   (can't blame him - I was like that in February - ended up in hospital on a drip for a week - couldn't keep food or water down, and they hadn't a clue what caused it!  Mind you at least I had the benefit of weight loss I could afford - Pad hasn't, bless him - he's like a little thistledown!)

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2006, 17:13:51 PM »
I've just found this and I'm sorry to hear that Pad's still under the weather, Paddy's Mum. I shall certainly think of him and hope you can get something sorted out for him.

Just a thought - Kym Smith hasn't joined up here yet but she and I exchange the odd personal email having met on the Sam / Liquorice relay so if you wanted to get in touch with her and if I can help with that at all, just shout...
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2006, 07:07:22 AM »
Thanks Tiggy's Mum.  That link's really informative.  Hadn't considered that the vomiting may have increased as a result of the medication, and it kind of explains more fully why the vet was saying some of the old meds they don't use now might have been better for him.

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2006, 22:55:19 PM »
   Vet said he wished they could still give some of the old style meds as they would have been really good for sa cat like Pad.

Didn't spot this first time round, now don't quote me on this but as far as I'm aware Felimazole is the only licensed treatment for feline felimazole.  There is another similar drug called Carbimazole which used to be used before Felimazole was 'invented'.  By law a vet has to prescribe a drug that is licensed for veterinary use but once that has been tried and results do not improve I believe they can prescribe a med that is not licensed for veterinary use (although perfectly safe as was used for many years before Felimazole just wasn't licensed). 

Carbimazole was allowed to be used before as there was no licesed med available, apparently it has less side effects (nausea can be one of the side effects of Felimazole) and this is more than likely what your vet was talking about, I am fairly sure that someone on CC used to use carbimazole.  Perhaps you could ask if Paddy can be changed on to Carbimazole if things don't improve.

In fact have just found a link which explains it much better than I have... Kym Smith's post is the one with all the info.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2006, 22:50:46 PM »
Cheers Des - will see what I can find out about them.  Sounds promising.

Tigs' mum - I know - it took me a while to figure out what Pad was doing, but then realised they were the tablets!

Haven't tried the Defurrum but will give them a go.  Have tried the usual things and some tips Jaffa's Mum gave me about Primula and wafer thin ham, but he's got me sussed now and just looks disgusted!  He's so good bless him, but it's as if he just doesn't want us messing around.  Makes me feel very inadequate, although am not throwing in the towel yet.  He's still quite chipper - plays with Tess and enjoys having a snuggle next to us on the sofa (although Daddy is king - pffft!  I'm just the slave that does his personal bidding!)

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2006, 22:39:41 PM »
I am thinking it is compounded into something called a transdermal gel, and I know in American they can be done at places other than vets, but not sure about here, will have to do a search on the American forum for where they told me to go. I have a sneaking suspicion that Dawn may know something about it. You can also get SEB in a powder, that is what my vet gave me, she had a big tub of it.
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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2006, 22:37:40 PM »
To make a trandermal dose of felimazole you need to go to a 'compounding pharmacy' whatever one of those is.  As far as I'm aware this process is not readily available in the UK but in the US they have one in virtually every town, they can also make virtually any meds into a flavoursome Beef, Chicken or Fish flavoured treat!

Holland and Barrett sell SEB, I am not really an holistic approach type of person but was persuaded to try SEB and it is great stuff.  You can buy it in capsules (around £6 for 100 capsules) and you just sprinkle one capsule on Tuna and add a bit of hot water to dissolve or a blob of Beef Sandwich paste (no onion or garlic though) and a bit of hot water again.

Defurrum treats are great for poking tablets in, snap them in half and there is a very thick gloopy gel inside so if Paddy eats the treat the tablet WILL be eaten too.  I know what you mean about finding tablets everywhere, Tiggy used to do that too before I refined my methods.  the felimazole had turned white as the coating had dissolved before she spat it out but I still knew what they were!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2006, 22:28:48 PM »
Haven't tried SEB on him.  Have tried homeopathic with our dog but not with Pad before.  Hadn't thought of it to be honest, but might give it a go.  Don't really think we have anything to lose at the moment.

We've tried quite a few things to hide the tablets, but unfortunately he is expert at hiding them himself then spitting them out!  They turn up in some very unexpected places......

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 22:25:42 PM »
Hi Desley - have got some sensitivity food for him, but nothing was said about any gel or anything.   He's not eaten anything tonight - well, he had a bit of crab meat earlier but not much, and he just doesn't seem interested in the food.   Vet said he wished they could still give some of the old style meds as they would have been really good for sa cat like Pad.

What is the gel?  Might ask the vet about it when I pick up some more of Pad's tablets.

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 22:23:12 PM »
Poor Paddy, have you considered trying a herbal remedy Slippery Elm Bark (SEB) to help with the vomiting?  When Tiggy was poorly with her stomach acid/nausea I started her on this, it worked wonders.  Now I have her on a chemical medication for the same condition as it had worsened but I still use it in conjuction with the chemical version. I know Paddy's (the GI) health probs are very different from Tiggy's but I really am a fan of SEB.  It is a wonderfully soothing herb.

Also if you need any tips on suitable vessels to hide the tablets, just let me know and I'll dig out a previous post on CC.

Anyway, give my love to the GI in the form of small headkiss, please keep us updated on how he is doing.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 22:16:45 PM »
Aww, I do hope the vet can get to the bottom of this and get him stabilised, poor little boy, he has had a rough time. Have the vets given you the sensitivity food? We haven't had a cat yet this year that wouldnt wolf it. Could you ask the vet about compounding the meds so you just rub the gel on his ear - think it is called something to do with transdermal?
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Update on Paddy (aka The Ginger Imposter)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 22:11:31 PM »
well, for those of you who followed, and helped and advised following Pad's recent stroke......

Pad's been on Felimazole twice a day but has had to go back for further checks, as he keeps being sick.    He's not stabilising (largely cos he spits out or vomits up the tablets, and it's been a bit of a battle trying to get them down)  and the vet says his hyperthyroidism isn't responding too well.

He doesn't think surgery is an option as Pad's heart murmur is getting worse.  He's suggested a bland diet of fish and chicken.

At the moment we're having problems getting him to eat anything, although he's eating in fits and starts, and is otherwise okay.  X-rays and tests have ruled out liver or kidney dysfunction and an intestinal blockage, but the vet's stumped as to why he is still being sick.  He thinks the stroke may have been a neurological disorder resulting from the hyperthyroidism.

He said it could be aside effect of the hyperthyroidism, or old age, but he's ruled out a tumour, which was what he initially suspected.  Vestibular has apparently now also been ruled out.  We have to check back again in ten days, giving him a bland diet.  He's looking daggers at me tonight, as I won't give him any more food - have tried him with three different types and he won't try any of them.  He doesn't like me.  I'm not his friend.   :poke:

BUT - I have to say - everyone at the vet was very impressed witrh how much of a gentleman he is - never spits or scratches or hisses - just sits and allows what needs to be done to be done.  Thankfully it was agreed he didn't need to be sedated, and he's been so wonderful.  Am very proud of him (even if he does hate me now....... :(

He's so beautiful.    I can't sort out the damn piccy thing.  Feel such a 'nana.  Never mind. I will try and get my sister to scan in a wonderful photo I have of him in the garden.

Anyone wants to send him healing thoughts, please feel free...........


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