Author Topic: Crazy cats...  (Read 1610 times)

Offline goatboy

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Re: Crazy cats...
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2007, 13:34:43 PM »
Ozzy has created her own version of the Grand National.
She starts at my bed room window, jumps down to the ground, over the double bed in a single jump, (including bed side table), across the hall at full speed, jumps her scraching platform while taking a swipe at the toy hanging off it, jumps onto the coffee table, changes direction, jumps the sofa, onto the computer chair behind it, changes direction again and lands on the window sill in the living room, with the computer chair spinning, and me wondering what the  :censored: is going on.
She will do this back and forth untill I get up and close all the doors, even then she will still run into the doors thinking they are open.
If I am really lucky I am sitting on the sofa and I am used as a springboard.

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Crazy cats...
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 20:08:20 PM »
LOL it always amazes me how such light footed, delicate creatures as cats can make such a racket when galloping round the house.
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.

Offline clarenmax

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Re: Crazy cats...
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 13:31:27 PM »
Aw, they sound like such characters :Luv:  :Luv:

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Poot, adopted 14th August 2009. I'm sure Maxy sent you to me sweetie xx

Offline fluffycloud123

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Crazy cats...
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 13:28:30 PM »
They are currently taking it in turns to chase each other all round the house and it sounds like a herd of elephants! :rofl:

monkey was chasing jasper then and gaining on her pretty quick so she used the back door kinda matrix stylee to run up it and flip over so she was behind poor monkey! :wow: who was then left very very confused  :evillaugh:

and jaspers now making that "teeth chattering/chirping" noise when shes hunting monkey


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