Lesley, you are a star The lady is just outside Chippenham so I'll tell her you may be able to help if she can get it, and if there are no other offers. She keeps mentioning the RSPCA and whether they could help but I'd rather you take her if possible
Hi Dawn,
I'm not far from Chippenham, I havent got outside facilities for a feral kitten and I don't know it would be a good idea in the house, but wonder if you've tried the Cat Action Trust, their rescue is around chippenham area I think
www.catsactiontrust.org.uk Tel: 01225 700857
Email: info@catsactiontrust.org.uk, or Cat Rescue, who are actually based in Chippenham
www.cat-rescue.co.uk Tel: 01249 653443 / 730587
Email: jeanne@3disp.co.uk - maybe either of those could help?