Good grief, there's a mind boggling choice of cat trees around!!
We are trying to find ways to keep our bundle of trouble more occupied indoors at the moment - his outdoor antics are creating a small amount of issue (turns out he's a hunter....!) and with the winter weather coming, I can imagine he's going to be inside more than out anyway.
No idea which are good though, and which he will actually use more to the point! We got him one of the big drum 3 level things when we first got him, but he's shown no interest in that whatsoever, so it's back to the drawing board.
He has a really nice single scratch post at the moment which he uses loads (a Pets Corner one I think) so I'm thinking on a more pole based tree, but we don't want it too huge (not massive living room) but it needs to be nice and weighty - he's quite big (4.7kg and 2.5ft long!) but some I've seen look like they'd blow over if you sneezed!
Any recommendations would be amazing!