How's your little injured boy, Pav?
Thanks for asking after him , Sue

I followed Liz instruction with Synulox and all is looking good now, and the fur is growing .

I have noticed his got more fur missing under his neck but no sore so wondering if its flea allergies?
Liz, thank you so much for the Synulox and helping me help this little man

Had a call from Mayhew last week, new guy asking if he is still around and if they could drop the trap ? Which I replied yes am sure we could arrange a time but then he went on saying we'll have him in do the blood test first and if he is negative for FIV then we have him neutered and drop back morning after. And if he is positive I asked! He will be PTS being feral , he replied

I said I will get back to him as keeping him over night in a trap is not an option so I have to change his feeding time

But I am not going to

I know some people might disagree but I don't believe in having a cat PTS if FIV positive feral or not. I am aware being feral is impossible to home him but then surely after neutering he would calm down and wont get in to fights so why not just release him back?
He used to visit once a day eat and leave but lately he stay around even sit and wash him self after meal , some days he visits twice and even followed me and my guys the other day in to the back garden and sat there watching me playing with Mr Jingles

He even come to window now days and cries to let me know he is waiting so I have decided to trap him my self and get him to my vet have him neutered and released, he can always move in with us if he chooses to

He is not aggressive towards my two and neighbour cat OTTO. Mr Jingles and Felicity are happy around him, so all I need to do is to have the trap sorted and wait for my next day off in July! Finger crossed