Author Topic: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles  (Read 5623 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #21 on: July 09, 2014, 07:02:47 AM »

Pav - wonderful piccies.   :Luv: :Luv:

The change in diet is a good suggestion to try, and I'm inclined to think when Nelson is neutered, he may also bother Mr Jingles less.  Let's keep our fingers crossed whilst you monitor the situation.   :hug:

I know there's a lot of science and conjecture around proprietory cat food these days, but I'm convinced that the quality of cat food has gone down over the years - it's now seemingly design to appeal to human tastes and desires, rather than what pets need in terms of nutritional content, and I really do think that the changes to proprietory food are behind the so very many illnesses our cats are now prey to.  I also think it might be one reason why our cats often turn up their noses at certain types of food - cats tend to know by and large what is good for them (okay -cheese is maybe an exception  ;)  Oh, and tuna in quantity - but you know what I'm saying, yes?)

Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #20 on: July 09, 2014, 05:17:14 AM »
Liz Thank you, this is what I ordered in Feb for them but they didn't like the noise it made had it for few days no interest what so ever so gave it to neighbour for her cat Otto. He loves it :-:

Sheila, Thank you. Funny enough I ordered 2 small bags of JW last week as Felicity Poo is bit soft and very smelly :sick: I thought her normal food could be too rich . Both Turkey flavour for cats 1-7 years old and 1+ year they wouldn't touch so had to order RC sensitivity Duck& rice for her . They just too fussy and its my own fault  :-[ I wouldn't say he is aggressive but rough .
Black cat is booked for next Wednesday , I am picking up the trap on Tuesday afternoon so finger crossed the vet is happy to keep him over night but then I have to release him back I don't think I be able to find him a home though , I hope he is not the reason for Mr J behaviour  :( But if he is then having him neutered should help?
Thank you every one for all the advise and ideas :hug: :hug:

« Last Edit: July 09, 2014, 05:17:58 AM by pappilon »

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #19 on: July 08, 2014, 23:14:13 PM »
Pav I switched Sammys diet to grain free following advice from another forum about his aggressive behaviour. It has worked not only to calm his aggression but he was also overgrooming, itself a sign if stress.

 You might want to give this a try. I've had Sammy on James Wellbeloved for years and can certainly see a change in him -if he gets a chance at cereal based food he's straight away back to jumpy nervousness.

If these things don't work I suggest he may be stressing out over your little black visitor, even though he is mainly outdoors the presence of a competitor is still a possible cause for his elevated stress level, and possibly the reason he's bully ing Miss Fliss.  :(

Sooner Mr Blackie is fixed and homed the better.  :shify: but it might be an indicator of how things would be if you attempted to include him into your household.

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #18 on: July 08, 2014, 22:14:34 PM »
Pav the free standing red dot machine in the Purrs shop keep my indoor youngsters occupied and leaving the more senior ones alone it comes with 4 timer setting and 4 speeds although mone runs till the batteries die due to some Bengally and Sergai intervention :shocked: :rofl:

The link below for you on normal battery life its about a fortnight or onthe Bengally Sergai version its about 4 days!!!
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Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #17 on: July 08, 2014, 21:08:48 PM »
Thank you every one , I did a long post but vanished!
Gill I am going to order some Feliway plug . :hug: I do my best and realized when I am not here they are fine I could always say with the fur on the carpet if she's been chased or not. I guess they both sleep when I am at work  :-:
Sue, I am about to go to Purrs shop and check for new interactive toys, last thing I ordered was the dart Lazore toy but it was too noisy and they didn't like it , I gave it to Otto's mum and he is happy to play with.
Sorry , long day and cant focus but will be back later, need some sleep ;)
Here is some toys I got for Mr J , I also try to distract him when he starts in bedroom chasing Felicity . She gets behind the curtains and he literally climb the curtain to get to her, but I always keep some toys like teasers on bed to distract even if I am half sleep :tired: I love the little man and understand he is young and full of energy, but not long ago they used to cuddle up so what happened?
Here is some pics , the latest is a cat nip his aunty Tan sent him. I would like to send it to Tan to add to shop reviews but not sure how to so please if any one could  forward it to her we appreciate it. :hug:
Its raining out there and they both in , Felicity in her cat house and Mr J upstairs so I might as well get some sleep . Night is young ;) Cant wait for winter :innocent:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #16 on: July 08, 2014, 12:49:01 PM »
This so sounds like Lupin and Sasa but there is a massive age diference and if she is facing him she meeps and he runs but if he sneeks up behind her and she runs he chases.
He is quite gentle and smaller than the other two.

Have you tried the feliway plug ins or the new stuff that some are using?

Its sad that Felicity is scaring her self because if she just sat there and stared he would most likely calm down cos even boy cats are all mouth and trousers!

I think it will gradually stop and hope you can get Felicity to stay away from hin inside.

Thanks, yes am over the moon about Sasa

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2014, 07:40:44 AM »
Aw Pav.   :hug: :hug:  That sounds like play aggression.  Sometimes Ross would get a bit rough with Tinks and Tinks would cry and run away and we'd call Ross that "nasty ruff kid"  ;)  It subsided, but then of course we lost Ross, and Moray is altogetehr more gentle when he plays with Tinks, so Tinks can retreat safely when he's had enough.

I wonder if it's a case of trying to wear Mr Jingles out a bit more with play time?  (Although not easy at 4 o clock in the morning when you have to get up wfor work, I would admit)    Wonder if one of those interactive cat toys would work?

Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #14 on: July 08, 2014, 05:18:44 AM »
 There is one thing I am not sure what to do about it? Mr J has become very rough towards Felicity , am not sure if he is trying to play with her or he just doesn't like her any more :( It got to the point that she spends all her time out and comes in to eat. Even when she is in I can see she is nervous and keep watching if he is around. She is afraid of him :-:

He keep jumping on her and chase her she just growl and hiss and some times just some times stops and attack him :( Its very sad to see this as its her home and I feel she is not happy . I put it to being a one year old male wanting to play but then she is only 2 but not interested at all and he just doesn't know or want to stop no matter how much I call him and try to stop him it starts every morning now around 4ish and I feel really sorry for her as he drives her out , last week she stayed out 3 nights all night and came in only for breakfast around 6 and that's when I kept her in and managed to get few hours sleep before going to work so Mr Jingles are making every ones life a bit difficult. I had some Feliway spray which I used every where but not helping and just don't know what else to do so any advice would be very much appreciated :'(
Thank you :hug: :hug:

Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2014, 23:24:11 PM »
Thank you every one , he is doing ok.
The B/W cat is Otto. He is my elderly neighbour cat who lives two door away and was adopted from Mayhew last November.
Sadly he spent most nights out door not by choice though and desperate to get in to my place early hours of morning :( The neighbour is a lovely lady but adamant not to have a cat flap!

Gill, at least Misa seats for Gareth. Mr J was climbing over me to hide from the vet :( I have been reading about Sasa with a big massive smile ;D you must be over the moon .  :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 23:29:34 PM by pappilon »

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2014, 20:04:09 PM »
Love that pic  ;D

I think Mr Jingles is the one with the fluffy tail and the other black and white is ummmmmmmmm!!

Misa pants and pants at the vets and cries all the way there  :(  He hates other  people but sits still for Gareth  his massive tangle on his lower tail end is shaved. Havent seen it yet.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 20:08:20 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline) »

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2014, 19:59:04 PM »
Ouch. How is he?

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2014, 19:46:30 PM »
Hope the meds work quickly Pav  :hug: :hug:

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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2014, 18:48:18 PM »
Aw Pav.  Am glad you got it checked, as I know it's been worrying you.   :hug:

Love the piccie - who's the black and white cat?

Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2014, 16:46:25 PM »
Thank you every one .
I looked closely last night and not only the fur was missing it also looked sore, so took him to my vet first thing this morning, had to wait outside till they opened and oh goodness he cried and cried and then started panting . Cab driver got out of the car and went for a walk :-[
Any how the vet gave him two injection and Noroclav to take for 7 days :-: Have to take him back next week.

He is out there now playing, all forgotten :)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2014, 07:47:34 AM »
How is it looking this morning Pav?

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2014, 19:46:27 PM »
A weak saline should be ok near the eye Pav. After all, tears are salty.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2014, 10:41:12 AM »
I think the brown discharge is unlikely to be connected with the scratch, Pav

my Trigger has a brown discharge at the moment, but I am pretty sure it comes from the stronger sun, as it's always less first thing in the morning
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Offline pappilon

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2014, 07:20:02 AM »
Oops managed to remove my post!
Jiji I have been cleaning it with warm water, not salt as its near his eye. Thank you.

Sue, it looked fine till last night but I noticed some brownish discharge when I brought him in just now but its under his eye not where the scratch is :(

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2014, 06:52:44 AM »

It doesnt look too bad Pav, although hate seeing scratches near eyes  :doh:  Is it weeping at all or looking inflamed round the scratch site?  If not you'll probably be fine just bathing the area if Mr Jingles will let you.   :hug:

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Re: Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2014, 06:31:27 AM »
I usually just bathe scratches and bites in salt water 2 or 3 times a day if there is no bad infection. Obviously if the infection is getting worse after a couple of days or they are showing other symptoms of being unwell then they would get taken to the vet.

Offline pappilon

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Quick Advice , Mr Jingles
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2014, 05:39:57 AM »
 Noticed a scratch couple of days ago , do you think a vet visit required?



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