Hello everyone
My cat, Jess, was badly bitten by a stray at Christmas time and needed surgery to drain abscesses. She has severe pain for many weeks however seemed to slowly recover. However, now it's 4 months since the attack and, after she started crying when using the litter tray, I took her back to my vet, and when she examined her once again she seems to be in bad pain around the base of her spine and around the tail. The vet has given her metacam, along with lactulose, in case her (normal for her) fairly hard stools were aggravating the pain. I'm so worried about her

my vets theory is that when she was bitten a tooth must have bitten through to the bone, and that the pain may be permanent. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? I'm worried about her being on metacam long term as she's only 4
Many thanks if anyone has any ideas/thoughts/experiences they can share
xxx jo