Author Topic: Diet please!!  (Read 3528 times)

Offline fluffybunny

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Re: Diet please!!
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2014, 22:56:49 PM »
Thanks all - fat camp to keep more actively monitoring doesn't sound a bad idea actually; my vet who I've been seeing for the past few years has just opened her own practice so I'm sure she'll be doing some kind of weight clinics, I'll be seeing her again with Milly soon so I can ask then.  The poor lad is really starting to feel the effect of his weight especially on his elbows when he is using the stairs, so the time has definitely come to be strict for his own good!

Offline SamMewl

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Re: Diet please!!
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2014, 21:05:35 PM »
we have a couple of hooge lady cats in (one is 7.25 kg ). we are feeding them obesity pouches and satiety biscuits (both royal canin)

we sent them to fat camp at the vets. does your vet do this? the good thing about getting weighed at vets is they will give you an exact weight of food to give (you can leave some of it then in  a container for OH if they insist on melting at 'starving cat stare')

with overweight cats you need to be very careful on quantity, as too little will cause problems and too much wont help! We have our ladies on their current rations and in 4 weeks they will be re-weighed and put on a new amount. it is very hard for cats to loose weight so a bit of help helps  :)

good luck xx
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Diet please!!
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2014, 19:01:03 PM »
Misa is 7.5 kgs ande eats like a porker but then after gobbling he upchucks it so in the end doesntr have as much as I think.

Sasa eats biscuits only but doesnt seem to put on weight.

afraid i take the line that as they seem to be a stable weight now, its ok  :innocent:

lupin just wontbeat enough and the vet may say he is in wonderful condition he really cpuld do with being heavier

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Diet please!!
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2014, 13:35:12 PM »
Hills do a metabolic biscuit which are supposed to speed up the metabolism.  I have Skye on them - when I was really monitoring her food she did lose a bit of weight on them.

Offline Kay and Penny

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Re: Diet please!!
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 11:02:35 AM »
you could try the Josera Leger, sold by Zooplus - I've never actually tried it myself, but it  doesn't contain any obvious nasties, and  my three do like two others in the Josera range -  and you can buy a small bag to try

the portion for a 7kg cat is 80gms a day, so if you gave him half that he would still have a bowl full, and  together with the raw meat shouldn't be overeating

I do think, though, that when it comes to a cat's weight, not enough attention is given to metabolism - my Trigger eats a lot more than Tiffany and Tosker, yet he is the skinny one - Tiffany is over 6kg, eats a 90% dry diet of less than 40gms a day, but has been decidedly rotund for years now
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Offline fluffybunny

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Diet please!!
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 10:47:26 AM »
Hello!  Long time no speak, and then I come wanting advice, sorry  :shy:

Geoffrey just gets fatter and fatter, and it's now getting serious...he's up to 7.7kg which is the biggest he's ever been - we know he's a big cat but at 7kg he was already overweight.  For the past few months I've been trying them on a raw food diet (natural instinct) to see if that helps with Milly's skin problems and Geoffrey's weight, as I'd heard that often it is the carb which causes the weight gain and the raw food diet is just pure protein.  But in that time he's put on over half a kilo so I'm guessing not...

So, back to the drawing board. I guess I could stick with the raw food but drop the quantities, although I'm not sure that would make for a happy boy as he isn't getting much as it is.  Or I could revert back to one of the multitude of diet foods out there.  The question is, which one!!  I've been through them all at some point in the past but I've lost track of what's good/bad/indifferent.  He did ok on the Royal Canin obesity control before, but I hear a lot of concern about the quality of RC foods, especially given the price.  Is there anything that anyone can recommend?  I've had a look on zooplus and there are a few foods there I've never heard of (integra protect, kattovit, perfect fit)...anyone know anything about any of those??

Geoffrey has never been free fed and they have been on raw only but there is still some food in the cupboard, and my OH has got into bad habits of giving him a handful of biscuits (arden grange light) whenever he miaows at him, so I've told him this has to stop and that Geoffrey must only have his 2 meals and nothing else.  He just can't seem to get his head around the fact that the cat food is in the fridge!! 

All suggestions gratefully received...   


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