Author Topic: Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?  (Read 1722 times)

Offline jezebel

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Re: Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2014, 10:50:47 AM »
I wonder if Smudge smelled different after being away for a few days, and Muno didn't recognise him when he returned?
You can't change the world by rescuing one cat, but for that one cat you are changing its world.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2014, 06:58:24 AM »

You might also find some useful info on integration on this site:

and also try Jackson Galaxy's website.  Lots of useful videos there with suggestions and tried and tested techniques.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2014, 17:36:09 PM »
Agree totally with Sue except on one thing  :innocent:

It could take far longer than days  :shify: :shify:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2014, 07:41:05 AM »

It does sound like there may be a bit of competition going on there.  I wonder if it's worthwhile starting from scratch as it were and separating the two cats, confining them to different parts of the house and then undertaking "site swapping" where each is allowed a period of time each day to explore the other cat's territory, and then beginning to feed with one either side of a closed door, until you can eventually leave the door open a crack, then a bit more, and a bit more, and so on? 

This process may take some days to undertake successfully, and shouldnt be rushed.  You could also try using plug in calm,ing diffusers such as pet remedy - it smells ab it like teenager sweaty socks to our noses, but cats find it very calming.  We used them when we acquired our newest cat, and when our existing cat was finding it hard to adjust to having a newcomer in the house.  I cant say whether it was responsible for their relatively quick acceptance of each other, but I do think it helped ease tensions.   We plugged one in upstairs.  We used them for about 3 weeks, after which time we were able to discontinue.

Let us know how you get on.  It must be very upsetting for you, and of course you dont want to lose either of them - they're your boys.  :hug: :hug:

Offline HelenB

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Change in my cat's behaviour - can anyone help?
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2014, 00:44:35 AM »
Hi all, 

I'm looking for a bit of advice from anyone who can help. I'm having a bit of an issue with my cats. (Apologies for the length of the story, please bear with it/me!)

We first got Smudge when he was a kitten, six years ago. Nearly a year ago, this second, really skinny cat kept turning up at our flat, and we started to feed him as we were worried about him. I put up found pet information on the internet, but no-one came forward to claim him. So, he became increasingly more part of the family. And, when we moved house in November, we had this second cat (Muno) neutered & microchipped, and we officially adopted him, and he moved with us.

The first couple of months of the two cats living together was ok. They weren't the best of friends, they fought a bit, but overall, they tolerated each other and were both affectionate towards me and my partner.

Last week, Smudge disappeared and didn't come home. Muno was pretty fine with this, and continued being his normal, purring self. Tonight, after days of us worrying, Smudge strolled back in as if nothing had happened. Muno was not amused. He growled and hissed at Smudge, and us. He wouldn't calm down. He's not reacted like this before.

I'm guessing it may be because he (Muno) had become 'number one cat' for the days Smudge wasn't around, and doesn't like the fact that he has 'competition' again? But we don't know what to do! Muno won't stop hissing/growling; we're worried that if Muno confronts Smudge without us there, he'll chase Smudge away (Muno is by far the more naturally dominant cat, and Smudge has gone missing a couple of times before, when Muno wasn't even around).

We love both cats, and don't want to lose either of them. But we're at a loss as to how to resolve this situation. We just want the cats to get on as they did before, and for Muno to not hate us!

Any advice/suggestions? Anyone been through something similar? What did you do/what worked?

Thanks in advance,



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